Set Of Instructions For A Common Process Or Activity Either At Home Or At Work

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Set of Instructions for a Common Process or Activity either At Home or At Work

Set of Instructions for a Common Process or Activity either At Home or At Work

The process or activity that we have chosen for the purpose of this essay is to find out how to shave? Following is a step-wise process for the activity that is commonly performed in the household.

Step One.

Wash your face thoroughly before shaving. This prepares the skin to contact with the blade, and soften the bristles. You can also use a special cream.

Step Two.

Take a small towel and soak it in hot water, squeeze and apply to face for a minute.  Squeeze the gel or shaving foam on the palm and apply evenly on the chin, cheeks and neck with gentle circular motions - this will ensure a uniform coverage of all sites that you are going to shave. You can use a brush for this purpose.

Step Three.

Shaving should begin with the cheeks - offer a razor to the face and holding the machine from the start of the bristles to the jaw line, top to bottom. In principle, it is quite simple - the main thing is not to overdo it - here hair is obedient and cut off by any machine very easily.

You can help yourself with your free hand, just pulling the skin for a more efficient shave. Thus the skin becomes more elastic. In particular, it will help you to combat hair that sometimes grows at right angles.

In order to avoid cuts after every stroke, pass the razor stubble on the machine should be cleaned with a blade under running hot water, or you can pre-fill the half-shell. However, there are some subtleties. If you do not grow coarse hair, and you'll easily enough to steam the hair, the razor blade may be moistened in cold ...
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