Services Marketing

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Services Marketing

Services Marketing


This paper intends to discuss the performance of a global company that relates to service industry. The company chosen for the purpose of discussion for this paper is IBM. IBM is assumed to be one of the most important services providers in relation with the business, information technology, outsourcing, training and many other services ( Different line of business of the company will be elaborated in this paper. Moreover, the name of at least four or even more countries in which the company operates will be explored. Further, the implementation of the 4P's marketing mix concept by the company and the description of any differences observed in the implementation of this concept from one country to another will also be discussed. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of marketing concepts in relation with the service industry business expansion beyond domestic boundaries.


IBM was the most successful and profitable company in the United States during the 1970s and the 80s. The company experienced massive growths in revenues and had a strong market share based on the sales of their mainframe computers. The strategy IBM pursued placed the company differently from the rivals within the computer industry. The company still provides extended solutions to the globe (

Main Line of Business

The main line of services provided by IMB are business services, information technology services, outsourcing services, training and others. Within business services, IBM tends to provide effective solutions to the customers in relation with applications, analysis of business, business strategies and other important services. Similarly, within information technology services; the IBM provides services to customers like Cloud, integrated communications, databases, technical support and many others. IBM also focuses on outsourcing services by getting engaged in the activities like application management, information technology infrastructure services and outsourcing. IBM also trains its partners through certifications and other offerings. Other services offered by IBM include project financing, consultation alliances and many other services (

Different Countries in which IBM Operates

IBM operates and provides its services in almost one hundred and sixty countries. It remains extremely important to analyze that IBM tends to provide different services in different countries. In other words, it is not necessary that IBM keeps on providing all the services in all the countries it operates. The basic countries in which IBM operates includes Untied States, Belgium, France, Spain, Russia, South Africa and many others (

Implementation of Marketing Mix

The service that IMB offer to its customers is to provide them with all the underlying solutions they need to operate with their businesses because proper consultation is done with the customers to know and understand the preferences and choices of the customers (

Marketing Myopia

IBM covers all the bases, but with an extremely varied set of solutions. IBM has already established its name and reputation in the market which will help to promote its new services within the innovation culture prevailing today. Cultural shifts due to rapid technology advances has impacted the cultural influence on ...
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