Service Sector Marketing

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Service Sector Marketing

Service Sector Marketing


This paper intends to discuss various important factors related to service sector marketing. The marketing of service sector remains extremely important to analyze as it differs from the product marketing making it more difficult. The marketing strategies need to be more comprehensive and more clearly established in order to make the impactful transfer of knowledge about the services being offered. The most important mistake that the marketers usually make is that they lack the ability to clearly distinguish between the marketing of services and products at core. Different questions will be answered within this paper in order to make the reader more clearly aware about the different aspects of the services marketing.

Service Sector Marketing

The marketing of service sector is important and tends to be different from the traditional marketing of products. The following questions tend to explore the significance of services marketing and also to make the reader aware about the underlying differences that prevail within the product and services marketing. Further, the important concepts of marketing are also explored.

Question One

Part A: Demonstrate understanding of communication in Marketing, Definitions and Always refer to the 7P's and promotion is one of the elements. How do we promote service organizations and compare that with promoting physical goods?


The concept of communication remains one of the most important aspects of marketing. Marketing basically is done to communicate to the customers. The basic intent of marketing is to make the customers aware that the products and services exist. Moreover, marketing also intends to create the needs within the customers in order to sell the products and services. The significance of communication within the field of marketing is immense. Marketing can be rephrased as 'effective communication.' The communication within the marketing is related to the transfer of messages in order to communicate with the market. Further, the communication is assumed to be the most important part of the marketing mix which is usually connected with the promotion of the products or services (Lowe & Doole, 2008 Pp. 18-20).

However, there is an underlying difference between the marketing of products and services. The promotion remains one of the most important elements of the marketing mix for both products and services. The service organisations are promoted through the 7ps which revolves around product (service in the case of services marketing), pricing, promotion, place, people process and physical evidence. All these 'Ps' tends to create the maximum awareness to the customers and providing the maximum benefits to the organisation as a result. The promotion of service sector organisations is usually based over 'word of mouth' which is the provision of services to the existing customers in a manner that satisfies them and become their promoters. The basic difference between the promotion of products and services is that products can be shown to the customers physically; however, in service sector organisations; the customers need to trust the marketers as they do not have physical evidence (Paternoster, 2012 ...
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