Service Quality And Service -profit Chain In Manchester's Restaurants. How Do These Businesses Survive In The Current Climate And How Can They Improve The Service Quality

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Service Quality and Service -Profit Chain in Manchester's restaurants. How do these businesses survive in the current climate and how can they improve the service quality



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Restaurant industry is a part of the hospitality industry mostly oriented in the direction of the provision of recreation, amusement and accommodation. It sustains the amenities for the promise clients that are tourists and localized people. The most significant segment for the achievement of this industry is the number of clients searching their services. The cost and the value of services in the restaurant industry alter on the cornerstone of the variety of services opted by the customers. This industry needs strong engrossment on the amenities suggested to the clients, so as to evolve a good likeness in the comparable market.

Using data from a sample of 284 customers from three large full- service restaurants in manchester, we investigated the relationships of service quality, customer satisfaction, and frequency of patronage.

Table of Content




Chapter 1: Introduction8

Purpose of the study11

Chapter 2: Literature Review12

Overview of Restaurant Industry12

Influence of Economic Recession on Restaurant Industry16

Management Practices of Restaurants21

Marketing Strategy in Recession23


Target Marketing25

Market Segmentation26

Marketing Mix for the Restaurants26


Human Resource Strategy33

Financial Strategy34

Budgeting in Restaurant Industry35

Working Capital Management36

Cash flow Management37

Customer Service Strategy38

Furnishing value-imparted service to customers39

Constitute service brand40

Flexible management structure oriented in the direction of customers41

Chapter 3: Methodology43

Research Philosophy43



Research Approach44

Research Strategy45

Aim of The Research45

Research Questions46


Data Analysis48

Chapter 4: Result and Discussion49


Chapter 5: Conclusion60



List of Figures

Figure 1: reseach processs onion: source: saunders et al …………………………43

Table 1 Sample profile47

Table 2: Descriptive statistics and associations between the variables49

Chapter 1: Introduction

The restaurant industry has formed a well characterised system of the services founded on the internationally established standards. The luxuries and value of services avails the restaurants with the comparable benefit, which is absolutely crucial for being thriving in the strong affray inside the industry. Therefore, the restaurant industry is getting equipped with innovative data expertise founded systems for the management of the operations and helping the clients to request their services (Loannides & Debbage 1998).

The present business scenario accompanied by the economic recession has drastically influenced the operations and business rank of distinct industries. The restaurant industry has furthermore got influenced by the economic recession. The effectiveness and profitability of numerous companies got decreased considerably, which proposed the companies in the direction of chopping the cost and decreasing the work force. In spite of the drastic situation enforced by the economic recession, the restaurant industry managed to endure in the market.

The restaurant industry is exactly leveraged by the tourism industry. It is due to the cause ...