Service Quality

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Service Quality


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3.1 The Overall Approach1

3.2 Philosophical Stance3

3.3 Data Collection4

3.4 Research Design8

3.5 Actual Data: Collection Method9

3.6 Methods of Data Analysis9

3.7 Reliability10

3.8 Validity10

3.9 Research Ethics12

3.10 Research Limitations14

3.11 Literature Search15

3.12 Literature Research Criteria15

3.13 Keywords Used16

3.14 Summary and Expected Findings16



3.1 The Overall Approach

Service quality has been a rather important facet for many organizations that have seized to exist over the recent times. The idea intended behind service quality to actually surface has been generally rooted and seen to be a derivative of the Chinese origins (Alexander, 2007, pp.211).

These days when it comes to service quality, a general norm has been identified that employees have been generally targeted regarding the kind of faults and flaws that have been identified (Beholz, Koch and Konertz¸ 2003, pp.167). Yet what companies and organizations should really think about is that quality of service is a consistent process that needs to be dealt on all areas and all circumstances which could be make way for a better service delivery and guarantee the retention of the customer.

The overall approach that has been chosen for the development and compilation of this study would base upon quantitative approach and that the research study shall yield results and outcomes using SERQUAL and the GAP model, which would aid the researcher to identify and highlight the customer perspective of service quality delivered at Sainsbury.

3.1.1 Inductive Method

To understand inductive method, with reference to service quality, the inductive method adopt was to take customer perspective and their opinions regarding service quality at Sainsbury. Since the service is delivered and availed by customers as our end-users, their opinions and suggestion would ultimately aid Sainsbury in continuing or nullifying service quality patterns and trends.

Also to bring to books, the researcher has also taken up interviews as per a qualitative methodology, which would yield relevant data and information for the purpose of successfully compiling and completing the research study. With customer perceptions undertaken as part of the study, a better understand and analytical discussion would surface and that much concrete conclusions and outcomes could be yielded and obtained in the process.

3.1.2. Deductive Method

The deductive method adopt for this research study would be the exclusion of economic conditions and the industrial environment under which Sainsbury operates. This is because companies and firms that are engrossed in service quality should be able to push and deliver consistent, over-the-top quality service to its clients and its customers, irrespective and regardless of what economic conditions, problems and situations there might be (Buch and Rivers, 2001, pp. 365).

Furthermore, the justification of adopting this deductive method would be that the research has empirical validity. Considering a quantitative approach that has been undertaken as part of the study, it becomes much easier to analyze that how Sainsbury as an organization continues to make way for maintaining its service quality.

With questionnaire developed on the basis of Likert scale, it would aid asses the key factors and characteristics that are necessary ...
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