Service Marketing

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Service Marketing

Service Encounter 1

Name of Service Provider (company, organisation institution):

45 Park Lane. It is one of the most well-known Hotels in UK hotel industry and has been considered among the modern styled with smart and discreet environment hotels. It is designed with luxurious and contemporary interiors which are by most famous designers of New York.

Type of Service (Profit, not-for-profit, public service, routine, rare):

45 Park Lane is highly Profitable Organization.

Date, time, length, and precise location of Service Encounter:

This service encounter occurred in 19th week of this session.

26th of February, 2013

Time: 7 pm

Length: stayed there for a day and get a chance of analysing its services.

Location: 45 Park Lane, close to Buckingham Palace, Parliament house and Big Ben.

Address: 45 Park Lane, Mayfair London, W1K 1PN, United Kingdom.

What did you choose to mystery shop this particular organisation (purpose, location, choice of provider, expectations)?

Since, it is one of the most famous hotels of UK and is located in central London, therefore it was easy to mystery shop this Hotel. The purpose of encountering services of this hotel is its fame for providing outstanding ambiance and pleasant environment with customer customized facilities within the entire hotel system.

Exactly what did you and the employee(s) say and do?

The employees of 45 Park Lane show their efforts in providing highly professional style of delivering services. Customers are their first priority and they show their performance by delivery customer oriented service. The most appreciate-able effort of employees here from top management to lower management is that, they all are loyal and professional at providing extraordinary services to their customer. The fame this hotel has, maintained is primarily with high rate of customer satisfaction.

Describe and analyse the physical location, surroundings, décor, and general atmosphere of the outlet where the encounter took place:

45 Park Lane possesses most luxurious and cotemporary interiors designed and decorated by New York's pioneer designers. It has appealing decor which directly hits the mind of customer and give a soothing ambiance with peaceful and pleasant environment.

What could you and/or the employee(s) have done to increase the level of satisfaction? What improvements need to be made to this Service Encounter?

This organization is already having high return of customer satisfaction in market and it kept enhancing their service improvement management techniques with the passage of time. They further need to look forward with customized service providence system for their customers.

How likely is it that you will return to this Service Provider?

Extremely Unlikely...

...Extremely Likely






Identify and closely apply three (3) marketing models, theories, or concepts (or 'parts of' models, theories or concepts) that we have studied which are appropriate to this Service Encounter:

For the Hotel management of 45 Park Lane I would suggest it needs to continue its services strategy and keep on developing various new techniques to their delivery of services by following these perspectives;

New perspectives for the service marketing

Also for the service marketing results in specific requirements when it comes to market ...
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