Service Encounter

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Service Encounter

Service Encounter

According to AL Evans ET. (2000), these meetings are the starting point for a continuous exchange. In addition Bitner (2005) mentions that four of the five most important moments of the creation of relationships, such as well-trained provider, a good introduction, keeping customers' expectations and Mak-Ing and promises to take place in the first ten minutes of the meeting. Ivancevich and Duenning (2001) argue that the first impression during the meeting sets the rules for other relations, such as the first handshake set the tone for the rest of the meeting. (Leland 2004)

The concept of face means come into contact with someone or something. Such contact may occur by chance or unexpectedly, for example, running on an old friend. This is sure to be a friendly meeting. (Lovelock 2003) is equally a routine meeting, talking with a mechanic or car hotel receptionist, can be particularly pleasant. On the other hand, there are generally a work colleague, organization or just a "friend" may be much less pleasant. In addition, the meeting can be had with an inanimate object as a sign, vending machines, a web site teller. (Zeithaml 2002), which also can be pleasing or disappointing. Clearly, service providers seek to make any meeting with a client enjoyable. To achieve this, the service organization will resort to the use of various tools / methods. Despite the growing trend for the meeting, to be with "things" most services still remains partially or in full, face to face contact with the client. (Zemke 2004)

For this reason, tools and methods mentioned above become even more important, and for some, the subject of the dispute. Just how well or poorly customers feel they were treated with a special place to come face to face encounter. In particular, it is one of the types of communication, in which the behavior, attitudes, emotions and body language are visible on both sides (provider and client). This, in itself (Yin 2003), represents a challenge for service organizations in management.

Among the many services that I have encountered in everyday life, I decided to choose a fast food restaurant and a visit to the bank to investigate in my project. These two services are the meeting will be observed in detail in terms of marketing services. This thorough analysis will help understand the impact that each component of the Service if the general perception of customers and satisfaction. Analysis of the information will show which aspects of service are of paramount importance to customer satisfaction, and which make no impression on them or even keep them from consumption or for future cooperation.

Fast food restaurant were selected for observation for the following reason: I have to resort to this service almost every day, so this scope seems very familiar. Furthermore, in a highly competitive market, leaders of fast food restaurants have implied more and more sophisticated strategies to attract new customers and succeed in business. It is useful to observe what strategies work best, which do not give the ...
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