Serial Rapists Vs Pedophiles

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Serial Rapists Vs Pedophiles

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Serial Rapists Vs Pedophiles


The rate of crime and the victimization has increased with the passage of time and there has been a drastic increase seen in the rate of rapes. The following essay is written to highlight the comparisons between the serial rapists and the pedophiles. Therefore, the essay will describe them in particular and in comparison both.


What And Who Are Pedophiles?

Pedophilia is an unusual condition which involves and abnormal interest in children. It is a disorder which is characterized as a recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving mostly nonhuman objects, animals and more primarily children. (

It is termed as a psychosexual disorder which urges to have a fantasy or engage in actual action with prepubertal children just to achieve sexual excitement. It is mostly directed towards children of the same sex or other. Some pedophiles are attracted towards both genders, while others are attracted to adults and children both. Pedophilia has been declared as mental disorder by health professionals. (

Pedophiles can be anyone and this mental disorder is not associated with any age, or gender however mostly the pedophiles are male and over the age of 30 years.

According to the study, it has been analyzed that pedophiles like more childish activities such as collecting toys, keeping pets and often compliment children as more of angelic such as describing them innocent, heavenly and divine which in usual cases seem to be exaggerated

Pedophiles mostly prefer children close to puberty because they are mostly sexually inexperienced and are curious about sex. (

What And Who Are Serial Rapists?

The person who commits an act of rape is known as Rapist. From the term serial rapist, it is obvious that the individual who is actively involved in this crime of act is known as Serial Rapist. ...
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