Serial Murderers

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Serial Murderers

Serial Murder


Serial murder has been documented in the United States since the early 1800s. However, the incidence and prevalence of serial murder did not come to public awareness until the early 1980s when Robert Ressler, an FBI agent, was summoned by the FBI director. Ressler had been quietly collecting data on serial murder and storing the files in boxes in the basement of the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. Known for his persistence when he felt passionate about an issue, no one realized that he was laying the groundwork for one of the most fascinating and horrifying fields of research the world has ever known (Cahill, Ewing, 1986).

Classification by method of crime

The law enforcement specialists in serial murder have established that there is a fundamental characteristic in the way of committing the murder, which determines the existence of two types of murderer: the organized and unorganized. Most serial murderers are organized (three quarters) of all cases, this usually because his intelligence is above average. The rest, the unorganized, are extremely solitary criminals and their crimes show an irrepressible frustration, it is assumed to have a low intellectual level and even suffer from some mental disorder. The latter occurs, the couple is already sociopaths.

Organized murderer method (Gacy, Bundy, for example):

Transported to the crime scene late model car, it will use to then take the victim alive or dead.

I have already described briefly the stages of the cycle. But we can say that the murderer plans the crime in detail and quickly becomes accustomed to the dynamics.

It carries instruments to kill (rope, handcuffs, chloroform, etc.).

The rape and torture occurring before the murder, for the gratification of the psychopath.

The crime is a long process in order to make criminal fantasy.

The criminal is aware that the killing leaves evidence of his actions, so ...
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