Serial Killer

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Serial Killer

Serial Killer


The term Serial Killer has different connotations attached to it since its definition is quite different as per the law. Thus, a serial killer is a person who has committed at least three murders , however those murders can have a varying timeline attached to it.These murders can have an interval of time which can stretch from days and can go up to yeas. Many experts tend to believe that a serial killer tends to achieve a certain level of satisfaction with the death of each victim. A serial killer is often characterized as a psychopath and that mental state is characterized by murder. It would be safe to state that his or her syndrome is driven by the pleasure, the serial killer derives from his or her actions, and by a strong sense of superiority, but there can be exceptions (Waller & John, 2010).

Many cases in this regard have strengthened the fact that prior to murder of the victim there is no relationship o link between the serial killer and the victim. However, the fact needs to be kept in mind that a serial killer serial killer does not have an ideology driving him or her. Although the serial killer can sometimes identify their victims based on ethnic, religious, sexual and on other similar grounds.

However, the motivation behind there is not greed hence the fanaticism in the lubricant of the engine which tends to drive the serial killer. However, the experts tend to believe that those individual who tends to become serial killers have gone through some sort of violence or abuse in their lifetime. Thus in order to overcome that deficiency the individual tends to opt for serial killing.



Serial killers have a strong individuality, which means that every case is different from the other however; there are certain identified factors which can drive their actions. Mostly serial killer proceeds methodically and seeks to control the conduct of the crime. The fact that they are able to successfully control the situation seems to be the reason behind their happiness. However, this happiness is the key factor behind their act. Whereas, not all serial killers can be characterized under a single banner, as pointed out that they have a very strong individuality to back them up. This leads us to the fact that some of the serial killers tend to identify a fantasy through their crime.

This is often compatible with the aspect of controlling the situation. Throwing further light on the subject tends to guide us to the fact that some of the actions of serial killers are sexually motivated however the same cannot be concluded in regard to every other act. Whereas, there are only few cases which are steered by the factor of greed. The famous French serial killer Henri Desire Landru identified his cries with an element of greed attached to it. However , different studies in the modern world have deciphered the fact that serial killers irrespective of the numbers associated ...
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