Septic Shock

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Pathological Case Study - Septic Shock

Pathological Case Study - Septic Shock

Septic shock is one of the most common diseases that have gained importance in the American society. There are various symptoms and causes of septic shock. This paper revolves around a patient, named Mr. Albert. Mr. Albert was admitted in a local hospital as he was suffering from symptoms of septic shock. According to patient's history, he had suffered from septic shock on regular basis in the past. But the treatment did not work and his condition at the time of admission to the hospital was serious. There was an indication that he had developed weakness in his heart tissues, which was an alarming sign for all the doctors present there.

I have been working in this local hospital as a senior pathophysiologist for the past three years. I was able to interact with Mr. Albert during his course of stay in the hospital. It was really a difficult and complicated case for me. But somehow, I managed it successfully. After a thorough examination and discussion, I took Mr. Albert into confidence regarding the management of his disease through different available medicines. I made it clear to Mr. Albert that in case of complications, there exists a possible chance for operation on the affected tissues of heart and other organs. A male patient, named Mr. Albert, 79 years with a history of unilateral oophorectomy had a car accident, four years before admission, in which he broke his right leg and hip. She had undergone a surgery for this mishap. Since joining a year before had hypertension and was treated with Inifedipine.

Being in excellent general conditions, 3 to 4 days before admission, he started to experience severe pain in his right hip that progressively increased. He consulted a doctor who advised him to take anti-inflammants and muscle relaxants. At the time of admission, it was difficult for him to respire properly. His blood pressure stood at 170/80mmHg, while the pulse reading was 132 bpm, respiratory rate of 32 rpm, temperature 36.5 ° C axillary and rectal 39.2 ° C. He looked emaciated. Furthermore, there were scars of previous operations in right leg as a result of old trauma. The peripheral pulses were present and were symmetrical.He was admitted to Intensive Medicine Service with the diagnosis of septic shock, whose origin could come from the right hip or some other focus. I took a CT scan of the right thigh, showing increased density of the hip joint space and soft tissue infiltration of the thigh, especially at the subcutaneous fat and muscle, there was no presence of air in the tissues (Vincent, 2007).

Among the tests carried out highlights the CBC, with hematocrit of 40% [vr: 36 - 46], de29.100 WBC / mm3 [vr: 4500-11000], with 96% neutrophils [vr: 54 - 62] platelet count of 11,000 / mm3 [vr: 150,000 to 400,000]. Glucose 176 mg / dl [vr: 65 - 110], BUN 68 mg / dl [vr: 10 to ...
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