Senator John Mccain Impact On Society

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Senator John McCain impact on society

Senator John McCain impact on society


Senator John McCain, born in 1936, is a military hero and a US Senator for the Republicans. He lost the Presidential election against Barak Obama in 2008. McCain followed his father and paternal father, both of them four star admirals, into the United States Navy and graduated from there in 1958. He was sent to the Vietnam, where during the war he seriously got injured and arrested in 1967. He spent 8 years of his life in imprisonment in Vietnam and was released in 1973.

In 1981, after being retired of navy, he stepped into politics in Arizona. In 1982,, he joined the US Republicans and won as a Senator in 1986 and was reelected for four times, most recently in 2010 as the Senator of Arizona.


McCain is too liberal, yet he has his conservative credentials as the Senator of Arizona. He describes his views as a mainstream of conservatives and engaging largely across the centre-right political spectrum. He supports low taxes for individuals of the country and is a strong supporter of military defense policies. He is pro-business who support free trade and opposes gun control and issues related to abortion.

The Senator and Politics

McCain had been reelected as the Senator of Arizona for almost four times. Despite of his disagreements on certain issues with his party, he is still considered being an integral part of the Republicans. In 1989, he had to undergo an investigation as a member of Keating Five. He was accused amongst the other five of interfering with federal controller on behalf of Charles Keating. He was cleared of all the charges against him though the investigators had thought that it was wrong of him having involved in the issue.

Each time McCain had won the seat for Senate with majority. Despite of his disagreements, he his willingness to be open with the public and media was highly appreciated. He has perceived liberal views than being a straight ahead conservative. He has put in major contributions in the formation of legislation against tobacco and modification of the campaign finance system.

In 1997, McCain became the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee. He was supported by Clinton Administration in proposing legislation against smoking to discourage teens getting involved in smoking and that it would increase cigarette taxes. But the proposed legislation was strongly opposed by the Republicans and the tobacco industry. His many attempts made for the legislation of immigration either failed in the House or were never supported.

McCain Iraq

McCain was a strong supporter of Bush administration and was of the view that Iraq was a definite threat that needs to be tackled at all levels. Despite, he strongly supported the war in Iraq he was never satisfied with the performance of the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. He was of the view that the security must be increased to fight in the War. McCain also supported the war on Afghanistan to combat against ...
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