Selling Chinese Tea And Cup Cakes For Charity

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Selling Chinese Tea and Cup Cakes for Charity

Table of Content


Profile of the Charity and the Community Involved1

Evaluation of an Event3

Consideration of the Planning Phase4

Lessons learnt and recommendations6

Statement of Income and Expenditure with Financial Analysis8

Reflection Based on Personal Experiential Learning8


Selling Chinese Tea and Cup Cakes for Charity


In today's economy one of the most prominent businesses is food industry, as population growth is always exponential and the food demand is based on it. Where, the key challenges for food based businesses are to maintain the quality of their products and services and to have a suitable location. Considering the elevating market demand for this business area, our group initiated a business “Chinese Tea and Cup Cakes”, where we managed to secure an excellent product which is bound to attract demand within a student population. In order to enter this business, we have to go through several steps that are all critically defined in this business report. The revenue we generated through selling our products is delivered to charity organizations that help poor children. Children are the weakest group in the world, where around 3.5 million children of United Kingdom live in poverty and badly need help (Burns, 2012, n.d). According to Lindsey O'Dell, it is really essential to secure children's childhood for securing society as whole (2008, p.84). Further, businesses raise funds because it is really important to give back something in return to the society (Delmedico, 2012, p.49). So, we attempt to help poor and devastated children by raising funds through our business.

Profile of the Charity and the Community Involved

Raising funds for charity (cause) is an exclusive area of business (Burnett, 2002, p.2). However, in order to raise money and deliver it to the deserving children, it is really essential to take help of reliable charity organizations. With the increasing demand for healthy charitable environment, many non-profit organizations are struggling towards credible working. The demoralization of consumption is now accompanied by the invention of new forms of philanthropic firms that encourage people to become more civically engaged (Powell & Steinberg, 2006, p.49). The charity selected for this business project is 'RAG hertfordshire', where; RAG distributes all the charity money to 3 charities i.e. Heaven House, War Child, and Breast Cancer Campaign. RAG facilitates students for selecting charities that they want to fundraise for and then arrange events for collecting as much funds as possible ( The Heaven House helps families and cares for children and young persons with life-limiting conditions around North and East London and West Essex. This charity cares for children and younger people from infant to age nineteen who have serious sicknesses and are unlikely to reach maturity. The Heaven House ensures that children with disabilities and critical health needs together with their families are provided with variety of high quality of services, care, and competency according to their individual requirements. In addition to medical requirements of children, the Heaven House also cares for their families by offering practical nursing, emotional and social support ...