Seljuk Empire

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The Seljuk Empire's Administration

The Seljuk Empire's Administration


The Seljuk dynasty is counted as the first work of development and expansion of the Turkish nomadic tribe belonging to Central Asia. Apart from all the conquering and expansion throughout the Asian territories, the Seljuk dimension is also remembered for its wonderful administration and management in the days of its expansion within the region (Arjomand, 2004, p. 665).

Moreover, the rulers of the Seljuk Sultanate worked extraordinarily to develop their roots within their held area through the development of a network of Medressa institutions. In order to better understand about the administration of the Seljuk Sultanate; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors and events is required.


Empire of the Great Seljuks

As mentioned above, the Seljuk Sultanate was the very first empire developed by a Central Asian nomadic tribe. Under the guidance of the two brothers Chagri Beg and Tughril Beg, the Ghaznavid Sultan Masud was defeated by the Seljuks belonging to the Oghuz Turks (Bedrosian, 1997, p. 241).

Throughout the following years, the Seljuk Sultanate expanded its rule into different territories including Iran, Mesopotamia and Baghdad, Anatolia and Syria. Popularly known as the empire of the Great Seljuks, these nations remained incorporated for about half a century.

Vizir Nizam Al Mulk, The Brilliant Administrator

During the above mentioned duration of national incorporation, Vizir Nizam Al Mulk was the great Vizir and Architect of Malek Shah and Alp Arslan. He was the mastermind behind the unification of the Ghaznavids' centralized administration systems in the Buyids in the western Iraq and Iran and in eastern Iran (Saoud, 2003, p. 8).

In exchange for iqta which was an Islamic practice of taxation in the Buyids period, Vizir Nizam Al Mulk bought the land assignment in the western region of the empire. On the other hand, where the Turks were recruiting conquering armies in the east, huge land areas were granted to Seljuk family members in the form of appanages, that were also known as iqta (Arjomand, 2004, p. 665).

Medressas in the Seljuk Empire

Medressa is another word to represent a college where Islamic religious education is provided to the children. Moreover, in the history of the medressas' development, the mid eleventh century and the rule of Seljuks in that period marks a turning point for the institution. In the Seljuk Empire, the development and donation provisions by devout citizens for the construction of medressas had been a rule.

However, later on the development of medressas was seen as an action of official patronage in the Seljuk Empire.

Development of the Nizamiyya Medressas

An extensive network of medressas was developed by Vizir Nizam Al Mulk throughout the Seljuk Empire. These medressas were home to teaching and training relevant to orthodox theology, law and traditions. Moreover, after the death of the great Vizir, these medressas were granted the name of the Nizamiyyas (Islam, 2012, p. 412).

Majority of the professors teaching in the medressas developed by Vizir Nizam Al Mulk were appointed by the administrator himself. Among the many famous professors selected by Vizir Nizam Al Mulk, ...
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