Self-Management Behavioral Contract

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Self-Management Behavioral Contract

Self-Management Behavioral Contract

Goal and Objective

I have selected Graduate with a Bachelor in Social Work/Human Service as my goal. I am keen to work for the people and to help those who are in need and need support. My inspiration to select Graduation with a Bachelor in Social Work/Human Service can from many ideas that are scattered in the society. There are many suffering people who do not have any close ones to share their sorrows and sufferings. Therefore, I chose bachelors with Social Work/Human Service as my objective. For attaining this goal, I have pointed out many changes in my behavioral patterns. My primary objective will be to eradicate the negative behaviors and to increase the positive behaviors. As my goal are measurable, Attainable, Positive and significant to myself, therefore, it is also an important fact to monitor my own goals.

Target Behaviors

I have set my objective as the target behavior. In order to meet the targets, I have specified few target behaviors that need to be changed to meet the goal of my life, which will also change the attitudes towards many aspects of life. Following are list of the target behaviors that I wish to achieve in my life:

To belief in myself

Self belief is an important factor when setting any target for the future. So I believe in myself that I can achieve my goals and objective.

To stay motivated

To achieve any goal, especially a long term goal, motivation is the main factor to stay focus with the goal. I will keep myself motivated for my goals and never lose hope even if I face the failure.

To increase the positivity towards life

As the people whom I am working for are usually motivated and there are many failures that occur on many stages therefore ...
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