Self Case

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Case on an event of life


I'm an Immigrant that came to Canada with my parents when I was 12, I didn't speak English but I learnt very fast because not many classmates spoke Chinese. Canadians and Chinese have very different culture but I had to cope with both. I feel somewhat different from white Canadians because I am Chinese Canadian. Sometimes there is racism because I'm Asian and not white.

Theoretical Framework

The Individual is a product of society, the "self" arising out of social experience as an object of socially symbolic gestures and Interactions. (Mead 1929)

Discussion of the framework

A self is "that which can be object to itself," or that "which is reflexive, I.e. which can be both subject and object." the self, then, represents reflexive experience, simultaneous organic and mental activity. Only humans are capable of this. Only humans have, and are, selves. Lower animals have feelings such as pleasure and pain, but these belong to the organism, not to the self, for the feelings have no symbolic meaning.

It is convenient to express the dual and reflexive nature of the self through the concepts of the "I" and the "me." "The self is essentially a social process going on with these two distinguishable phases." In other words, the "I" Is the subjective and active phase of the self, and the "me" Is the objective and passive phase.

The self's "perception and meaning" Is also rooted deeply and sociologically in "a common praxis of subjects" found specifically in social encounters. Understood as a combination of the "I" and the "me," It Is self proved to be noticeably entwined within a sociological existence as existence in this community comes before Individual consciousness.

“The veil” and “double-consciousness”

Discussion of the framework

Dubois, although these terms were used, their meaning and usage is deeply intertwined with his work. These two concepts give a name, what the Americans think, but many can not express the words of the African past, the lack of accurate description of their pain. The meaning and connotation of these words is profound, because it not only succinctly describes the plight of being black and the United States after the core of it rings true and what it means is still the essence of the black and the United States today. The basic meaning of this sentence reflects the fact that in this world there is discrimination on the basis of race. (Du Bois 1903)

"On-Face Work"

Discussion of the framework

Similar to George Herbert Mead's theory of the development and Interactions of “The Self, the I, and the me,” Erving Goff man describes the development of “lines” and how they become the basis, essentially, for Individuals In social situations. Through evaluating one's self and other Individuals In a particular group setting, one engages in verbal and nonverbal actions that are Indicative of one's particular point of view, otherwise known as a “line”. The aforementioned “line” taken is “the positive social value” acclaimed by one, and is defined as the ...
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