Self Awareness And Group Dynamics

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Self Awareness and Group Dynamics

Self Awareness and Group Dynamics


According to various surveys, like National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the Monitoring the Future study it has been investigated why teenagers are involving in consumption of alcohol in the United Kingdom. The survey results have concluded maximum numbers of student under the age of eighteen are consuming alcohol; whereas the minimum legal age is twenty one.

It is estimated, approximately eleven million youth of UK, under the age of twenty one drinks alcohol. The use of alcohol is increasing by time and it is used very frequently among the seniors of high school. Mostly male students experience their first consumption of alcohol by the age of eleven, whereas American girls consume it by age of thirteen. There are a lot of aspects that need to be considered related to drinking issues for example car crashes, is one of the leading cause of teenage deaths, alcohol also guides to fatal injuries homicides and suicides; it is also the major aspect of unprotected sex, sexual assaults and rapes.


The Monitoring the Future (MTF) study investigated the main reasons why teenagers prefer drinking alcohol. The most common reason pointed out by majority of grade 12 students, they emphasized on the happiness they drive from it. Approximately three fourths of grade 12 students drank alcohol to have a good time with friends. Another common reason for drinking alcohol was to enjoy the good taste, the ability of alcohol to have a pleasurable effect on the consumer, the reduction in tension and increase in relaxation. Most of the students (Approximately one half) were curious about the effects of alcohol. In comparison fewer participants reported that they tried alcohol because of boredom or to divert their attention from problem, this kind of attitude is similarly witnessed in the use of marijuana (Johnston and O'Malley 1986).

Group therapy

Group therapy is an integral part of inpatient treatment for alcoholism programs. As a group therapy, the patient has the opportunity to share experiences and hear about the experiences of other people who supported other people in the treatment of alcoholism and a sense of support that process. Addicts in this subculture often have enormous influence on the thoughts and feelings for each other. Group Therapy is aimed at creating a supportive environment, in a swarm patients could help each other to change in a positive way.

Supporters of group therapy for drug addicts recommend the use of highly structured groups with a directive style of management. William Glasser emphasizes that work in the treatment groups of offenders should focus on what behavior is making them unhappy. Glasser believes that consultants should pay major attention to the behavior, not on emotions offenders to help them learn to behave responsibly and effectively. L. Jablonski encourages the use of groups of Sinanon correction soc. irresponsible behavior of addicts. Groups Sinanon use techniques of intensive confrontation as a means to force the group to change and become anti-social behavior on the ...
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