Self Assignment

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Self Assignment

Self Assignment

Brief Overview of Self-Portrait

The portrayal of self is a daunting task, because it increases the likelihood of biasness substantially. People might over or under assess their characteristics, which is why instead of explaining the qualities which I believe I possess, in this self portrayal, I will discuss the qualities which my friends and families attribute to my personality. The two qualities that I'm going to discuss about my personality are caring and confident. The first quality which is caring is one of the most important personality attribute that many people possess in this world. I noticed this personality attribute in myself during the childhood when I always used to care a lot about the people especially my family members and friends. I'm going to discuss about this personality attribute in detail in the above paragraphs. The second personality attribute that I possess is that I'm very confident. This attribute was developed because of the grooming I had at my home and educational institutes. The second factor was the interaction that I had with several people during my childhood and teenage life. I'm going to discuss the second personality attribute in detail as well. There is one aspect which I would like to make it clear is that the two personality attributes might even have some flaws but there is always room for improvement. I can work on those flaws where I'm lacking and can make an effort to bring a positive change in the area. It is natural for any person that they have some qualities in their personalities but there are some flaws as well which can always be worked out. For example, caring can be a strength or a weakness, like a person can get burn out get if doctors care too much about ...
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