Self Assessment

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Self Assessment

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Self Assessment


Life of a student can be termed as the catalogue of various experiences. After I have analyzed myself in the light of my personal and professional life, I have come to certain astonishing conclusions. Identification of my values, interests, and skills has led me to take appropriate decision regarding my career. Moreover, assessments my strengths and weaknesses have enable me to improve my personality and skills, and utilize my strengths in a more effective manner. After a thorough self assessment and analysis, I feel more prepare every day, more energetic and more enthusiastic. I have a clear idea as to which field of work is meant for me and what career path will be most appropriate. This paper presents certain concepts important for the process of self assessment. Moreover, it elaborates my personal values, strengths and weaknesses in a generalized form, as can be mostly applied to other students and professionals in the same field.

Self Assessment

An individual must perform a self assessment before taking any crucial decision in life. Identifying one's own values, skills, personality, and interest enable the person to judge where he or she stands. Moreover, the identification of strengths and weakness is a very important part of internal assessment. It helps the person to design strategies to cope up with the weaknesses and play hard on his or her strengths (Blerkom, 2006).


Values play a fundamental role in the process of career planning. It shapes the entire decision of the person. It reflects factors that are important to a person in every aspect of life. I believe in the values of achievement and independence. I can work more efficiently if I work as an independent entity with authority to make relevant decisions.


Interest refers to the activities in which a person involves enthusiastically and on his/her own will. These leisure activities arouse as a result of a person's curiosity in that particular field. In the long term, these interests impact the individuals' decision regarding the career he chooses. I love athletic activities, various sports, working out in the gymnasium and hanging out with friends.


Personality refers to an individual's personal traits. Whether a person prefers individualism, self esteemed, locus of control and willingness to help others etc., all lies under the head of personality. A person with an individualistic attitude will never be good in the field of social work. For example, individuals who belong to the field of arts love to work in isolation. Independent working enhances their creativity and working skills (Robbins, 2009).


Skills refer to a developed attitude, ability or personal quality needed to perform a particular task in a competent manner. These skills guide the person as to which direction is more suitable, and which career suits his/her skills more appropriately. My creativity and expertise lies in the field of arts, technology and Design. When a person recognize his expertise, it becomes easy for him to proceed on a career path. An individual with a knack in finance cannot be ...
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