Selection Tools

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Selection Tools

Selection Tools


One of the most important functions of Human Resource department is to select a candidate for the job for this purpose there are several methods and procedures that the human resource department has to follow. The paper aims to select two different methods and approaches to select the right candidate for the executive manager. The paper provides Initial Assessment methods and Substantive Assessment methods for the selection of right candidate. The initial assessments methods are resuming and letter recommendations, and for the Substantive Assessment Methods aptitude and personality tests are selected.

Initial Assessment methods

For selecting the right person for the job vacant in an organization, there should be clarification of job features and descriptions. It should be clear that what attributes and skills may be required for the job. Initial assessment could be tools for the collection of potential employees that could be suitable for the job. These methods could be selection of resume, letter recommendations or, background check. There are some other initial methods also that can be used to identify best persons for the job. At the initial assessment there is no personal interaction with the suitable candidate the HR department is just there for the collection of people who can perform the task at the company. However, for this assignment the two selected methods are Resume assessment and Letter recommendations.


Resume could be defined as an advertisement of the potential candidate who may not be personally presented, but can give a major idea of his background, qualification, experience and skills. These attributes and features in the resume can attract the HR officials to call a person for further assessments. These resumes are mostly sent through emails and it could be personally submitted. This is the initial time when HR officials are deciding to call person for further tests and assessments. Resume are helpful because every person is not called for the tests and assessments only the candidate who are suitable as qualification, experience, and skills are called to verify and judge there level and standards. Resume also has a recent photograph that reflects the personality of a person. Sometimes it is difficult to judge a person from resume, but most of the time the clear idea is generated.

Chronological order - the data contain information on education (years of education, type of school, course of study).  Each entry should include the years of work, company name, title, summary ...
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