Segmentation And Target Market Paper

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Segmentation and Target Market Paper

[Name of the Institute]Abstract

In this segmentation and target market paper, the segmentation and target marketing strategy of the firm Enterprise Car Rental is described. As cars hold crucial significance in the lives of everyone, people cannot imagine their lives without their cars even for a single day. Enterprise Car Rental made use of this weakness of people and introduced its service for car rentals. The firm has an extensive network of neighborhood locations where its car rental setup is placed. The firm did not follow the common trend of setting up car rental service at locations of airport. The firm has its branches present in several regions and towns for the convenience of its customers. It targets businesses and university going students for renting cars. Additionally, it targets people who are environment friendly by utilizing cars that are environment friendly. The positioning statement of the Enterprise gives value to its customers instead of cars or rents.





Market Segmentation and Targeting1

Enterprise Car Rental2

Market Segmentation within Car Rental Industry2

Target Market for Enterprise Car Rental3

Selection Process for the Market4

Positioning Statement for Enterprise Car Rental6



Segmentation and Target Market Paper


Cars hold a prominent position in the lives of everyone. A person cannot live without his car even for a single day. As more and more adults in families are working adults, there is frequently no one present in the family who is available to pick up someone else if he is facing problems with his car. Enterprise car rental made use of this fact and started renting cars across various towns. Instead of following the famous car rental firms by establishing branches at airports for serving national travelers, Enterprise Car Rental set up an extensive network of neighborhood locations to serve the home city market. The target market of the firm was defined as those people who required rental cars as replacements when their cars got stolen or wrecked. Additionally, people can also make use of rental cars when their cars are being serviced or repaired at service station. As these customers get stuck at a repair garage or a body shop, Enterprise offers to pick them up as they do not have a convenient way to get to a car rental office. Enterprise has a specific market segmentation and targeting strategy. This segmentation and marketing strategy along with its positioning statement are discussed in this white paper (Borba, 2007).


Market Segmentation and Targeting

In today's world, firms recognize that they cannot appeal to all buyers in the market place in the same way. Buyers are widely scattered, numerous and extremely varied in their buying practices and requirements. Additionally, firms widely vary themselves in their abilities to serve various market segments. Every firm should recognize the parts of market which it can serve in the most profitable and best manner instead of trying to compete in the whole market against superior competitors (Mancini, 2009). This is the reason why firms have moved towards market segmentation and targeting instead of mass marketing. Market segmentation and targeting ...
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