Security Measures

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Security Measures

Security Measures

Although the features and characteristics of the contemporaneous international society within which we endure and interact have attained a stage of advancement and development that is far beyond any thing that could have been conceptualized a couple of decades ago, mass conflict extends to plague humanity on a global basis. This, furthermore, is certain thing that is emphasized rather effectually when contemplating it in lightweight of the outstanding rate at which crime and terrorism emerge to be actually advancing. Perhaps one of the most useful demonstrations in this case, furthermore, is that of the monumentally ghastly and inhumane suicide attacks conveyed out by Islamic fundamentalists on the World Trade Centre [WTC] and the Pentagon on the 11th of September, 2001. It is scarcely astonishing, particularly when considering the monumental extent of the damages acquired in terms of deficiency of property and human life that the attacks conveyed out against America on the 11th of September 2004 collectively impacted American society in a lasting manner. One of the most direct indications of such an impact, furthermore, was of a assessed boost in discrimination against all one-by-one with Asian backgrounds, particularly those from districts with strongly Islamic roots. Considering that the suicide bombers were assessed to have been of Saudi origin although, this is certain thing that was quite understandable. In addition to this, moreover, another of the more immediate impacts that the events of 9/11 had on the US was that it inevitably induced a sense of mass paranoia based upon the pretext that those responsible for the attacks could be considering another one at any given time (Wilson, 2002). This sense of paranoia was also supplied with an additional increase as a outcome of mail 9/11 terrorism against the US. An exceptionally good demonstration moreover is of the ...
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