Sector Marketing

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Sector Marketing

Abstract (Question no.1)

Service providing companies have now started focusing on Customer Centred philosophy like other organizations. They are highly focusing on quality management and incorporating these approaches in their business activity. The paper provides significant and comprehensive findings of SERVQUAL which is an effective approach in the service organization (Woo, Lam, 1996, p.44). SERVQUAL is the difference of customer expectation and perception that is provided in the paper. The selected organization is British Airways.

Sector Marketing

Question no 1


The SERVQUAL model is an approach and a reliable method for measurement of service quality in the hospitality industry. Airline industry's service expectation and perception could be explained through this model. There are some limitations in this model also as the concept of service quality is considered to be intangible therefore this makes the measurement difficult (Wisniewski, 2001, p.35). The airline industry has considered providing high quality service to its customers. There are high expectations of customer when they travel in an airline they need to have warm welcome and attention from the service providers. British Airways is one of the top ranking airlines in the world and its operations are worldwide. The organization has incorporated SERVQUAL to provide best service to its passengers (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry, 1986, p.45-58).


Within the customer-related service quality research it can be characterized as the process. On the basis of the C / D paradigm to assess the quality of services is carried out by the comparison between expected and perceived performance.

The SERVQUAL is based on five dimensions:

Reliability correct and reliable operation of the service

Assurance courtesy, competence, poise

Tangibles appearance (form of presentation, clothing)

Empathy of staff

Responsiveness customer convenience (Woo, Lam, 1996, p.44)


British Airways is known for its reliable operations. British Airways has always been strict with its policies and procedures. Flight operations and flight timings are the highly focused and it is ensured that the customer does not have to waste a single minute regarding the operations. The management is highly effective and efficient and doing business for the customer satisfaction. The company is high conscious about the reliability dimension (Wisniewski, 2001, p.35).

The organization has always met the expectations of their passengers. The passengers perceive high quality from the air crew and the crew is well trained for providing quality service to its passengers. The organization has planned its flights that are required by the passengers the quality of the service is not compromised even if the destination is near. The airline is highly sincere with their passengers and they have increased employee motivation so that they can reliably provide high quality service. For ensuring the reliability the company has focused on these

Regular and updated operational findings.

Communication to staff of all relevant feedback, reflecting both areas for improvement as well as re-assurance of areas of best practice.

Establishing managerial performance measures based on research results.

Improvements to operational capabilities through best practice solutions.

Exceeding customer expectations through internal analysis.


The passengers are always welcome when there is any problem regarding service. The high quality service is assured at the organization and they provide increased value ...
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