Second Language

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Learning a Second Language

Learning a Second Language


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant and factual information relating to Second Language Learning. Teaching second language is a difficult task and needs various approaches of teaching to be adopted by the teachers to make sure the students grasp the basics of the language. Second Language refers to the teaching of those students whose mother language or first language is other than English. The abbreviation E.S.L. is commonly used as shorthand for the phrase "English as a Second Language”. These studies often take place in those countries whose first and official language is English. ESL students are people who belong to some other country and came to live in English speaking nation. They are called "English Language Learners" or ELL. The term EFL that is, English as Foreign language, is also used for the same purpose (Wiliam, 2003, pp. 37-39). In the paper, we will examine the purpose, process and practice of teaching English as a Second Language. We will also assess the content based instruction as well as second language acquisition process.

Q #1: Discuss the main ways in which the individual learner has been viewed in two of the second language learning theories we have discussed and evaluate the influence that these ideas have had on the teaching of second languages.

Theories of second language acquisition (SLA) investigate the processes through which a second language becomes learned. There is great diversity of theoretical approaches, but we will limit our discussion to only those theories that have greater relevance regarding the subject of second language acquisition (Kaplan, 1997, 168-178).

Krashen's monitor model

Krashen's monitor model is based on the following five scenarios:

The hypothesis of learning acquisition sets the task of conscious learning. The goal is to conduct a procurement process, learning about the language, which is transformed into knowledge structures incorporating automated language to consciousness.

Self-monitoring hypothesis is related to the task of correcting and learning from the mistakes together with the different styles that students reflect on their procurement process. Moreover, they request teachers to provide assistance. The goal is to make students able to identify those situations in which the result is inconsistent or incorrect interpretation. In addition, it is the goal to analyze the reasons for the error.

The hypothesis of the natural order refers to a naturally suspected order in which we incorporate grammatical information

The hypothesis of 'input' is the process of language acquisition that involves the need to provide materials in the target language.

The hypothesis of “affective filter”, states the need for the acquisition process when you get a feeling of confidence and self-assurance. It's about creating a situation in the classroom in which the student does not feel pressured to produce results under a forced pace. When the filter is high, it prevents the student's ability to understand and therefore the acquisition is not produced. The filter must be low for the student to be open to input, feel ...
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