Second Essay - Managers And Leaders, Are They Different?

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Second Essay - Managers and Leaders, Are They Different?


Many people recognize this instinctively that 'leaders' are different from 'managers'; however they are not capable to comprehend this difference evidently. These are two completely contrasting personalities on the basis of their fundamental functions, philosophies, and outcomes. Likewise, leadership and management are not the same roles. They perceive and implement dissimilar approaches and conceptualization to work, practice dissimilar methods of problem solving, embark dissimilar functions in the organization, and demonstrate dissimilar behaviors owing to the divergent intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Even though, disjointedly different, the terms “leader” and “manager” are continually perplexed and used in a congruent context. This essay intends to respond this dilemma at various levels, entailing functional and behavioral difference. It is squabbled that to be cutthroat, potential organizations necessitate developing as many leaders as possible. However, these leaders must also have adequate abilities and knowledge of management. On the other hand, organizations also necessitate competent managers with sufficient leadership proficiencies for enhanced problem solving and effective ream work (Toor & Ofori, 2008).

Second Essay - Managers and Leaders, Are They Different?


All individuals are managers of their own lives since they perform various functions and activities based on their own willpower and direct lives towards the desired destination. However, some of them become leaders in further era of their lives and lead their livelihood efficiently, in a productive manner. Same is the situation in business and professional relationships. Managers and leaders are different in various fashions. Leadership clearly requires utilizing control to affect the actions and thoughts of other individuals. Control and authority available to an individual includes human risks. The foremost risk is connecting authority with the capability to attain instant outcomes, next, the risk of overlooking the several divergent approaches people can justifiably gather; and the last risk of mislaying self-will in the aspiration of authority. It requires the expansion of cooperative leadership and the managerial ethic to circumvent. (Zaleznik, 2001).

Thesis Statement

Difficult, smart, persistent, critical, broadminded, and of benevolence; all these qualities are required in the best manager. What can other methods assist in executing their tasks? Are they analyzing and solving complex problems and guiding people regarding their affairs? However, analyzing pragmatically, it requires neither heroism nor genius to become a manager. Even though high valued managers do not set alight employee's imagination and passions. They also do not encourage the development required by all the organizations. For all these qualities, organizations require leaders, not managers.


It is simple to sack the concern of training managers, although today organizations need fresh leaders or leaders at the outlay of managers. In other words, we may presume that the widespread need is for people who can perform as both the manger and leader. However, the difference between managerial culture and the entrepreneurial culture, which expands when leaders emerge in organizations, illustrates that leaders and managers are quite diverse kinds of personalities. They reasonably vary in personal history, motivation and their thoughts and actions.

Behaviors toward Objectives

Managers possess impersonal and somewhat passive ...
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