Secom And Jashopper Case Study

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Secom and Jashopper Case Study

Secom and Jashopper Case Study

Identify Strategy Objectives for information security that will meet the needs of Jashopper. Kindly Justify the inclusion of proposed objectives is an electronic commerce site, which is hosted by jashopper. Jashopper is a famous small internet based company, in which retailers paid to book their virtual outlets online. This site is designed for Japanese customers to purchase a number of products from cosmetics to jewellery. Customers have to register their personal data with their credit card number to purchase a wide range of products. Sekine and his friends started this company three years ago. All of them worked so hard and for the time, their company turned a profit in the past year. This company is now considered among the most successful companies because they have set their annual sale around 1 billion yen with just 20 employees. This company has a set of around 400 established shops and a perfect base of 600,000 registered consumers. The owner of the company, sekine, thought that this is a very strong business and it will expand in coming years.

A number of strategy objectives are required by Sekine for information security. He also examined two digital certification services for his company, which was presented by Secom TS. He thought that it is necessary to protect his website from online threats. For this purpose, Sekine should take some serious measure to secure his website for the protection of information exchange and hacking. He should use some digital encryption for the protection of transactions with his consumers and website. Sekine should use Secom passport for web as it is an SSL server certification service. This certificate verifies that website is official and lawful and is operated by valid business. It allows user data to be secured by a special 128-bit encryption, which help to prevent surreptitiously monitoring to personal data. Sekine should clear Secom TS's policies regarding to audit department to receive an authentication certificate. The value of this certificate is 65,000 yen per year.

There is another method, which can be used by Sekine to protect his website for the protection of information. Secom passport is a client certification service. It is useful for the identification of the consumers at virtual store. When a user was confirmed at the site as a valid client, then a certificate was downloaded to the personal computer of user. It is also beneficial for site maintenance staff to confirm their clients. The website will check the consumer certification to confirm that the PC, which is accessing the virtual store, was a valid consumer. This method will help Sekine to prevent the access of unauthorized personals having stolen ID and password. The price for the installation of this service is 300,000 Yen.

Sekine should use both services to maintain information security at the site. At, site owners need to access the site for information gaining of the employees, who had purchased some items. Both shop owners and the consumers need ...