Score Systems

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Early Warning Score Systems

Early Warning Score Systems


Currently, number of severely ill patients is increasing in the medical general wards. Doctors and nurses often miss the events which cause deterioration of patients. This affects the patients very badly. This puts serious and adverse effects on the patients. Severely sick people get missed by the proper aid on time. To overcome this difficulty, many programmes initiated to reduce the risks. Early Warning Score System is one of them. This system provides timely medical response to the severely ill patients (Georgaka, 2012,, p.1). Early Warning System is a process which evaluates the risk and takes pre-emptive steps to reduce its impact and risk on the financial system. The scoring systems determine the appropriateness of the accepting patients from community hospitals. In a general hospital wards, Early Warning systems have become the most integral and necessary part for early identification of the deteriorating and critically ill patients. It is observed that the Early Warning Score Systems are not always used to bring out the best results. Sparseness of measurements is also a significant issue that these systems experience. The paper adopts a holistic approach to assess the available data and derive relevant outcomes form the concept of Early Warning Score System.


Clinical Deterioration of the patients can occur at any stage. There are certain periods when patients are more vulnerable to situations. Deteriorating patients may be identified earlier before serious and adverse effects of the patients can occur. Proper clinical management and timely identification of deterioration can prevent from adverse effects and death. It is very important to keep track of such signs especially in cardiac arrest and death (Wirral Community NHS Trust,n.d., p.4). Admitted patients in hospitals may be at a risk of deterioration. This can cause the catastrophe events such as cardiovascular arrest to occur. If the staff of the hospital is unable to recognise this deterioration, it can lead to adverse outcomes (McDonnell, 2011,, p.3).


Early Warning Systems

Early Warning Score System is not solely based on the field of medical. They were first designed to identify the financial and ecological risks. The purpose of this tool was to gather information and data, sharing this information and data with different organizations and establishment of models for the analysis and calculation. These systems were first used for the identification of economic weaknesses and susceptibility (Georgaka, 2012,, p.1).

Early Warning System is a process which evaluates the risk and takes pre-emptive steps to reduce its impact and risk on the financial system. The useful impacts and advantages of this system help the medical industries to introduce this system in their medical wards. Early Warning Score System is a specific procedure that measures the effects and risks of patients by monitoring a sample of population (Georgaka, 2012,, p.1).

Early Warning Systems in Health Care

When patients come to hospitals and admitted due to their acute illness, they believed that they are in a place where their health will be taken care, and their illness will ...
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