Scientists Are Not The Only One To Be Blamed For Animal Right

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Scientists Are Not the Only One to Be Blamed For Animal Right


The world in which we live today is moving at a fast pace. Changes are taking place rapidly and frequently. These changes are taking place as a result of advancements and developments of technology and methodologies. In order to move in this race of competition sometimes we indulge in practices that are unethical and demand moral justifications. One such activity that is criticized most in today's world is animal testing. Related to this topic a debate is on whether this is right or not. Those who do not regard this activity as morally or ethically right raise their fingers on scientists for this act. The aim and objective of this essay is to talk about this aspect in detail.

Animal Testing

The first thing that comes to the mind is that what actually is this animal testing. The term animal testing, animal research, or animal experiment are the concepts applied only to experiments involving the dissection of live animals. These terms are used when animals are considered as models for understanding the physiology and especially to try to predict what happens in the human. Animal testing is a controversial practice (Stephanie, pp. 18).

Thesis Statement

The purpose of this essay is to prove that scientists are not the only one to be blamed for animal rights.

Arguments to Support Thesis Statement

Following part of the paper presents arguments in favor and to support the thesis statement.

Practicing Conscience

People blame scientists for neglecting animal rights however; the truth is that in most of the cases and projects they are not even allowed to practice their own conscience. Scientists cannot practice their conscience. Just like in normal professions we can say no to tasks that we think is immoral to perform but, scientists cannot say that. They have to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities that are put on their shoulders by government (Bronowski, pp. A-1).

Role of Government

In making scientists practice activities such as animal testing and other activities that are considered immoral or objectionable government plays an important role. The role and responsibility of the government is to provide opportunities to the public to learn. This can only occur when scientists have enough freedom to speak in public. Government should allow scientists to take part in projects in which they are interested and they should have rights to refuse to take part in projects in which they are not interested. Moreover, scientists should also have rights to talk about matters of public interest or about which they think there should be awareness among public. But, the harsh reality is that they are not allowed to do any of the two things. When someone is working in such strict regulations then why we should blame them (Bronowski, pp. A-1).

Formulation of Rules and Regulations

People raise their voices with regard to the usage of animals in various experiments and testing. And for that scientists are blamed and are regarded as ignorant. If this is an issue then why there ...
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