Scientific Rigour

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Is It Possible To Ensure Scientific Rigour When Conducting Quantitative And Qualitative Research?

Is It Possible To Ensure Scientific Rigour When Conducting Quantitative And Qualitative Research?


The worth of any research is evaluated by peers, grant, peers and readers. Majority of Quantitative researchers recognize the worth of investigation through reliability and validity of their work. However, the same approach is considered as less common in Qualitative research. Rigour is the core of scientific work in every stage of scientific work. According to (Mays & Pope, 1995) Rigour is implying in a prepared and controlled method of planning, developing, analyzing and evaluating research with a unique care in adapting the results appearance towards the demand of the audience to whom we communicate results of our research investigation.

According to (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011) scientific rigour has played an important role in both Qualitative and Quantitative research. These researchers have often divergence in their approaches towards reliability and validity of data. This is also influence in the choice of gathering research data such as observation is not considered an important tool while we conduct Quantitative research because it is quite difficult to observe a large number of samples. Study investigates that in social sciences, watching people in their own territory and interaction with them in their own languages is an essential part of Qualitative research.

The basic purpose of this paper is to describe the evaluation and trustworthiness of both Quantitative and Qualitative research.


Scientific Rigour

Rigour is the usage of logical systems that is accepted and shared by the relevant scientist to make sure agreement of prediction and explanation of theories. Saunders, (2007), indicated that rigorous research is the logical and accepted system, and it basically strengthen the researcher's arguments while they attempt to demonstrate the scientific findings. It is a part of self correcting nature and iterative nature. In scientific rigour, data are collected and analyzed systematically, and they become open to evaluation. Through this technique, incorrect findings can also identify or revised accordingly.

Quantitative verses Qualitative methods

There are differences between Quantitative and Qualitative methods. Each tradition is reflecting different research style, different presentations and different methodologies. Quantitative research is based on a causal relationship; on the other hand Qualitative research is believe on exploring the human behavior and creates understanding through action of peoples (Krefting, 1991). Quantitative researchers use statistical tables, graphs and mathematical models and often reports research results in style of a third person. After the analysis, data derived from Qualitative inquiry to clarify research understating (Saunders, 2007). Furthermore, some Qualitative research aligns their findings themselves with the Quantitative research and use complicated such as computer applications in order to make sure validity and objectivity.

Methodology Diversity

According to (Walle, 1997) Qualitative research is work on understanding the different things to the view point of different people. Investigator of Qualitative research use content, narrative, phonemic, semiotics, archival and even statistics. They also use different techniques, methods and approaches such as descriptive, phenomenology, grounded, feminism, ethnography, hermeneutics, surveys, interviews, observations as well ...
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