Scientific Research Design

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Scientific Research Design

Scientific Research Design

Customer loyalty and satisfaction are two factors that are involved when it comes to the background information. The prior individual project, I explained on how the relationship between two factors worked based on hypothesis study in which I studied to see if there was any relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Once studying literature review it was assessed that both factors were indeed unified and also depend on one another which I can say that both are linked to the customers. With that, there is evidence that a link among customer loyalty and satisfaction do exist (Hallowell, 1996).

Above I explained about the information that centers on the connection involving customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Theoretical framework will be explained below as far the connection between the given problems is concerned with the help of several variables and instances specified in the Sekaran model.

The connection between concepts and several factors that are consistent to one another are the focal point when it comes to the theoretical framework. Customer loyalty and satisfaction have been keyed out to the predefined problem in the theoretical framework which shows the rationale between the two factors. In the end this type of frame work will test the connection in which it should improve how to understand the given problem hypothesis. (Sekaran, 2009).

The variable above is the worker's enthusiasm that will surely affect the consumer loyalty and satisfaction therefore; what should be the number priority are the components of motivation. For instance, if I am not happy with my job, environment or pay, then it would greatly affect customer satisfaction. Employees not working properly with particular standards, it's definitely going to affect the quality of both the product and services which in turn would cause consumer dissatisfaction. It would affect the customer loyalty and also persuade the customer to go to a competitor. Having a decrease of motivation will lead to less and less of customer satisfaction level and loyalty.

While conducting any research it is imperative to develop immense knowledge and information about that topic. To get this information literature review plays vital part. Literature review gives a researcher a deep insight of the topic. To get the understanding of the topic multiple forms of intelligences significant antecedents to transactional and transformational leadership behaviors.

The examples the textbook such as the Delta Airline is used to speak about the dialogue with the theoretical framework because of the ineffective services which in turn violated the safety of air services (Sekaran, 2009). The same perception goes for the product features which are the main fear of the consumer loyalty and satisfaction. Product features definitely play a big role in pleasing the customer satisfaction as well as the ongoing loyalty. Customer dissatisfaction among customer will increase if the wishes are not met with the product features or made accordingly. Therefore, this variable has to be the center of attention in the theoretical framework as in time it will increase the extent of ...
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