Schooling, Training & Education

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Schooling, Training & Education

Schooling, Training & Education


I always used to love teaching, and look I found an opportunity to teach. This job required my extra effort than the regular professional work in other fields, but at the end of everyday this hard work leaves a pleasant feeling of satisfaction. I worked with several groups of students with different characteristics until I met some students to whom it was not pleasant to teach. This group of students was different from the other students with whom I had worked before. The first thing that struck me was the apparent disinterest and disrespect, then the critical weaknesses in their education. I considered the situation as a challenge, what I can do to motivate these students to achieve and learn? Throughout the semester, I tried different strategies with relatively few results (Semel & Sadovnik, 2010). While this course and my relationships with my advanced students experienced various emotions, I noticed that some of these emotions can help the student-teacher relationship and other damage it.

For over a decade, almost all countries worldwide have embarked on educational reforms that seek to overcome the weaknesses of traditional education, and prepare the workforce to the requirements of a new world of work. Reforms in Latin America have addressed various aspects of education systems, from the administrative arrangements, curriculum to the teaching practices. Despite these important results, and sustained efforts the quality of learning of the students is still often unsatisfactory. The explanations for this inefficiency being studied and so far point to the importance of decentralized school management, financing systems (vouchers), systems of accountability (accountability), training and updating of teachers, school culture and the characteristics and requirements of the new pedagogy. One aspect of teaching, which I unconsciously neglected and failed to consider, was the student-teacher relationship with unmotivated students. That is the teaching-learning process come into play not only the teacher's pedagogical skills, resources and materials available conditions or socioeconomic students, but also the relationship that develops between students and teachers.

The analysis presented below is from my own experience as a student and my job as a teacher. I think teaching and psychotherapy have similarities that allow a comparison. Both activities work with people; involve emotional aspects of both parties involved in the relationship, and try to find the development of human beings. A classroom experience should be a combination of schooling, training, education, as all the these things are essential for the sound and healthy development of the student.

Teacher's Attitude

A postulate of the humanist tradition in psychology indicates that one of the most important therapeutic factors is the attitude of welcoming, attentive and understanding of the psychologist. The idea behind this postulate is the therapist's willingness to compensate, to some extent, emotional deprivation in the patient's life, which produces a therapeutic effect. To many problematic situations the patient keeps in itself the product solutions, but emotional numbing and clouding of cognitive functions is difficult to find the exit (Rugg & Shumaker, ...
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