School To Work Transition

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School to Work Transition

School to Work Transition

Overview article

The article basically based on the systematic research regarding the role of school-to-work (STW) transition program in the life of young people having mild disabilities, this allowed the researcher to emphasis on a new phase in education, which opened a new horizon of information and factors that related to the adult employment. However, the latest legislative and educational reforms related to the transition and also access to the general curriculum allowed the school management to support the young students having mild disabilities to overcome the barriers related to work. The main highlights of this article are: a) to review the models and research related to STW transition specifically in the area of special education, b) to identify the infrequently named theories, c) to develop connections of STW transition with special people education, and d) to suggest how the modern techniques can transform the future research.

The researcher started the article by stating that having an employment in the adult phase highly valued but this primary objective reflects the adult success in the United States. The main function of STW transition is to focus on the employment of those students having mild disabilities, and in the past years, number of researches conducted on the model of STW transition to look for the possible outcomes of the youth disabilities in the working environment.

The researcher further moves on by highlighting the factors that influence the post school emplacements. According to the researcher, personal factors played a significant role in the post-school employment. In relation to the personal factors, competencies, identities and dispositions have major influence. Research showed that personal characters single handed or in combination resulted in getting the post-school employment. However, the researcher quoted the research of Heal and Rusch, which pointed out that disability status factor, played the role that is beyond the educational and personal competencies. The factor of disability, race, and ethnicity had been linked to the low employment ratio.

Similarly, family factors that include the social resources and the society roles also hold a crucial position. Families of the students having disabilities always considered to be a positive factor because they encouraged them to move on with the life and enjoy a prosperous life. Similarly, to help the disable students, social communities, school agencies and other communities play their part in getting the employment done. Last but not the least is the school factors where proper supporting, planning and training programs helped the students in getting post-school employment.

The researcher mentioned that the recent research in the area of self-determination development of the disable students helped in creating a potential productive link between emerging perspectives on career development. The researcher concluded the article on the note that the disable students are part of the society and it is the responsibility of every individual that treat the disable students on equal basis to avoid any problems for the future (Reilly, 1995).

Model and Practice Article:

The study presented by Bullis and Yovanoff (2006), examined ...
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