School Staff Professional Development Day (Ethnicity)

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School Staff Professional Development Day (Ethnicity)

School Staff Professional Development Day (Ethnicity)

Professional development day for teachers is an important task for a school if it wants to achieve and maintain good reputation in the market. Basically, this development day will help in enhancing and gauging the capabilities and knowledge of the teachers. This activity requires time and during school hours it cannot be done effectively. So, it has to be arranged on off days so that teachers can properly pay attention to all the activities and can learn from it. Seminars, workshops and public events are all kinds of Professional development activities in which professionals get them prepared for performing their jobs according to the set organizational standards. (Jacobson, 2006)

The professional development day

This project is based on ethnicity in the context of early childhood education. Early childhood education is the most basic and the most crucial days in the development of a child. If in these days children are not given proper attention in developing their intellectual capacities then they would have to suffer whole life. These early years of education provide them base, which will support them throughout their life. The professional development day will help in developing the competencies required by the teachers to satisfy their profession.

Ethnicity is a major problem that is nowadays actively found in our educational system. Students are penalized on the basis of their race, culture, language, poverty and lastly gender by their teachers and class mates. This greatly impacts the overall personality of the students and can develop hatred against the state in which they are living. In early childhood education, ethnicity is found as the most top issue in today world. This can only be resolved if the we can bring change in our thinking style. Teachers, who deal with young children, need to be very neutral in terms of ethnic belief.

The Staff professional development day is a day in which teachers are given latest trainings and they are given certain activities, which they have to perform within the specified time duration. These trainings and activities help the teachers in maintain the quality of education. The staff professional development day, which we are going to design, will be based on the ethnicity discrimination faced by children in their early educational years. (Abbate, 2009) Professional development day will help: teachers in enhancing the learning of the students, in focusing on the use of best available practices, in forming link with the overall improvement of the school system, in gaining high collaboration from the teachers. (Goldhaber, 2006)

Rationale for the professional development day 

This professional development day will be really beneficial not only for the child's future but it will also bring good reputation to the school itself.

It has been found that the “ethnicity” is one the major problem faced by many individuals in our society. Teachers pay more attention to those students who share same ethnicity in comparison to those who don't share the same ethnicity. After a huge investment of hiring talented ...
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