School Profile

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School Profile

School profile


School is collectively responsibile for the learning outcomes of all students and commits to continuous improvement in student achievement. It is an integrated educational community committed to ensuring that students acquire knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and values necessary to achieve full personal and family life, to exercise responsible citizenship, active and committed participation in productive work and continue learning throughout life.

The system of supplementary education in the Cadet class represents by the elective courses, which are held in the afternoon. This is the basis of military service and the basis of medical knowledge, as required subjects that are taught by experts from border management, which ensures a close relationship with them and helps students to quickly adapt to military service and significantly enriches the content of education (Carroll, 2008). Also in the Cadet class being psychology, choreography, teaching which is reliant on the involvement of these areas. Significantly complements the profile of the course content of "The History of World Religions." The values of the church culture of Orthodox Christianity have positive social ideals, respect for the family, country, hard work, moral qualities of a citizen, so in the present situation especially relevant.


Practical and theoretical sessions with the Cadets in the program shall be held in the school, so directly in the unit by qualified personnel. The boys are introduced to the device machine learning martial arts, basic chemical protection, drill. The didactic concept is reliant on in-depth study of chemistry and biology. The program in-depth study of core subjects is reliant to the specific preparatory training and meet the requirements for the practical application of knowledge acquired during training. As part of direction for many years, there is good cooperation with the Institute of Biological Problems of the North in the city of Magadan. Chemical and biological education are enriched by the elective courses: "A living organism," "Temple complexes of the world", "Human adaptation to the conditions of the North-East". "Basics of personal samooopredeleniya", "Influence of electromagnetic radiation and radiation on humans."

Teaching courses based on in-depth study of humanities subjects (literature, history, social science, law, and the Russian language teaching in grades 10-11 are carried out using textbooks and programs designed to profile the study) with regard to their interrelationship and interdependence. It is a holistic system of liberal education, the content of which is directed both at improving pre-university training and the formation ...
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