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Problems related to low Grades

Problems related to low Grades


The study defines bullying action to use his power or his popularity to bear insult, threaten or embarrass another person intentionally. 7300 Grade 9 students and nearly 3,000 teachers were asked to paint a picture of the situation regarding this problem in schools. The results compiled from 284 schools observed during the standardized tests in Algebra I, Earth science and history of the world show the link between bullying and academic achievement. Indeed, the results in all three subjects mentioned are lower than 3% to 6% in schools where students live a higher degree of intimidation (McEwan, 1998). The difference in test scores is significant because it affects the potential of schools to meet federal requirements. This situation also affects the chances of student success.

Researchers support the cause of bullying and consider the establishment of a prevention program uniform throughout the state as a step closer to a school climate that facilitates academic success for all. A program to prevent bullying should educate students, teachers and parents. He researchers must provide support to victims, counseling and discipline measures for bullies and information for witnesses intimidated so they do not encourage in any way it kind of behavior. Today's society does not accept harassment in the workplace. There is some evidence to apply the same rigor to the place of children within schools.

This seems to be the main problem for students for getting low grades in the school. They are not so confident in the schools, due to which they got low grades in the tests. After getting low grades their parents also treat then negatively, which further increases the problem. Students did not coup up this pressure and this mental trauma even leads them to do suicide.

Should we be Concerned about it?

Off course it is an alarming situation. School grades matters a lot when it comes to higher education. If children are not performing well in his or her school, he/she has less chance to get an admission in reputable high school or university. It is very important for student to perform in the school, because their educational career depends on the grades they got in their school. If they get bad or low grades, they have very few chances to get admission in the good high school or university (Giordano, 2009). Their future depends on the grades they are getting in the school. So, definitely getting low grades in the school is a problem for students. Parents should understand the capability of their children studying in the school, and then handle them accordingly to improve their academic career.

Is it a Problem?

It is a problem for students who are not getting good grades in the schools. First of all their promotion to next standard depends on their grades. If they do not get good grades in the tests, they are not promoted to the next class. This failure will not only waste their valuable time as they have to repeat the ...
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