School And Society

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School and Society

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Brief background of my education so far1

Jeffersonian ideal2

Issue related to my education2

Horace Mann's ideas on education3

Philosophy of education4


School and Society


Education and the experiences related to it are one of the most closest to some people like myself. My entire life I have been an enthusiastic student. The experiences related to education not only shape our own approach but also the ideology on various subjects. The paper discusses my own educational experience starting from my childhood right through to this age. It aims to establish a relationship between political economy, ideology, and schooling using examples from my own experience.

Brief background of my education so far

I have always been a meritorious student and I take pride in my academic performance throughout the years. I belong from Milwaukee Wisconsin where I was enrolled in Brown St Elementary School in the inner city. For high school, I joined Wells Jr High which was also an inner city School and West Division High/inner city. Choosing a major for my college was a major decision in my life and at that point in time a difficult one because I wanted to join military and at the same time I was also interested in criminal justice. Hence, I joined Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin and chose Criminal Justice as my majors.

I served in the Navy for about twenty years during which I graduated From University of Maryland University College. Currently I am enrolled in Strayer University where I am doing my Graduate work.

Jeffersonian ideal

The American declaration of independence was penned by Thomas Jefferson. In the eyes of Jefferson everyone should have access to basic education because this is what forms the basis of successful countries and responsible citizens. People will know their rights as well as their responsibilities. It is education that tells us that one man's right is another man's responsibility. Jefferson's ideal of education has had a great impact on my education (Sarah, 2001). this is so because I believe education is not merely understating and learning of some concepts, it is about how you apply the concepts you learn to your daily life and what changes it brings to the life of the person imparting education as well as the person getting it.

With this view in mind, as given by Thomas Jefferson, I have learnt a great deal from my teachers whom I have always respected and regarded as my mentors. Education calls for self-government. When each person plays his part dutifully then there is no need for regulatory bodies there is no need for external pressure, it is only the sense of responsibility out of which people do what is expected of them. Hence, in such nations where education is made accessible for all, there is no need for the use of force. People are guided through persuasion and not through and reason. The most important lesson learned from education is the art of reasoning.

Issue related to my education

The only issue related to my education is ...
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