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To help people understand and learn the things around them, themselves and their world and the world beyond their own education and schooling are required. In schools, different subjects are taught which open the doors of knowledge and information. Education helps an individual in learning how to learn to distinguish between fiction and facts. Just information is never enough. Schools are crucial to develop an individual in absorbing the knowledge Having information is never enough. Schooling provides skills in utilizing knowledge and critically evaluating the information.

It is an institution developed to teach students under the supervision of teachers. Generally countries do have setups of formal education, which is usually a must thing. In these types of systems, students grow through a chain of schools. The names for these schools vary country to country, but they usually contain primary school for the young children and teenagers who have done with primary education have a secondary school. University College or universities are the institutions where higher education is taught.


Importance of schools

A lot of students asked themselves and their parents about the importance of school and education. They observe the work performed in schools is meaningless, unrelated and also as a complete waste of time. Most of the parents probably responded them that school is very important as it leads to a degree which then leads to a reputable job, a way to financial independent and a steady paycheck. This answer is correct to a certain extent, but it certainly reduce schools and school work to a variety of hard work that people must tolerate until middle age sets them independent. In reality, school provides a doorway to one life's most important aspects, education. (

Teacher Student Relationship

The relationship of teacher and the student is very important for children. It is very fortunate to have an excellent teacher. About five to seven hours a day, children spend with a teacher for approximately ten months. It is very difficult to build a positive relationship between the teacher and student, but can be create for both persons at each end. A student and teacher who have respect in classroom, traits of superior communications, and show concern about teaching from the viewpoint of the teacher and learning from the viewpoint of a student will build a definite connection in the classroom. The relationship between student and teacher in the primary grades which I found second grade is extremely important for a child to attain a practical mind-set for future education.

Each child is different and has a different strategy for learning and achieving his / her goals. There are very few students in a classroom who learn and grasp quickly, however, at the same time; there are some other students in the class who needs extra attention to learn their lesson. Teachers need to teach them repeatedly using different types of techniques to make them able to understand the lesson. Then again, there are some students who fool around and use school as ...
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