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Scholarship Essay

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Omega psi phi scholarship essay

Omega psi phi scholarship essay

“If you want a year of prosperity, plant rice. If you want 10 years of prosperity, plant trees. If you want prosperity for ever, a village education”. (Chinese proverb).


Educating society for life had been a complex, arduous and difficult work and a fundamental duty to man. The increasingly complex society needs young people mostly prepared, conscious, with well-defined ideals and values, being able to meet the challenges of present and future with a secure identity and own an ethical culture. It is said that a civilization is based on the transmission of knowledge from person to person and from one generation to another (Melody, 2010). Without the preservation, of knowledge each person and each generation would have to start from scratch.

From my childhood, I taught to self dependant and strong. I was born to modern, hard working family. I was taught that in order to achieve your goal one has to create his own ways, and my desires I use to work through all the possible legal outcomes. A person should set goals and ways which lead him towards successful results. People fail because they do not know what they want or what they do not want.

Personal Life

I was born in Columbus Ga but moved to metro Atlanta at the age of 5. I'm the youngest child. I attend Dacula High School where I'm a graduating senior. I have spent 10 years of my life very closely having teachers as parents who taught me the importance of education, school, and how education is the key to a success.

The capabilities of humanity and leadership qualities were built up by my parents and teachers. My teachers taught me various subjects and kindled in me a passion for knowledge. From older time, I was very studious & never engulfed in any activities. Education, it had always been emphasized and not confined to the four walls of the classroom, and we got encouraged to take part in sports and cultural activities. I got thrilled whenever I spoke well at a debate, or my article got published in the college magazine.

I had my family and friends who supported me throughout the high and lows of my life. As I grew up, I never thought of myself as being rich. My family is a lower middle class family, and we had just enough of an income to live normal contented lives. I recall the animated discussions and endless conversations I had with them. In their company, I shed my angularities, sharpened my powers of argument and expression, and developed my wit and sense of humor.

My aims and Goals

My personal life and professional career has undergone drastic transformations during the last couple of years. I have been given by my interest in Aerospace Sciences. This arena of focus has provided me the perfect career enhancement. My profound interest in the subject started while I was in high school. As a son of a common man, I have been susceptible ...
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