Scholarship Essay

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Scholarship Essay

Scholarship Essay

It took me number of years to create who I am today. Within these years, I have been given the liberty to discover the world in order to satisfy my inquisitiveness toward all the strange and wonderful things in the world around me.

My name is Laura Forrest and I am a single mother of three beautiful young children ages 1, 3, and 6. I grew up in a co-operative family. I have elder brother and this made my childhood days more colourful.

I am a proud member of the Choctaw Nation. I reside in Okeechobee, Florida with my three beautiful children. I live near parents and my elder brother is married and has a 4-year-old son. He lives about three hours drive from my home. My grandparents on both sides passed away some time ago.

Ever since I was a child, I had little or no intension of going to college. I always dreamt of having a family. It seemed a bit strange as all my friends went off to college, while I stayed behind and started a job. Eventually, I started my family, but things did not turn out as I had planned. I had great ambitions of doing number of things but they all became static because of number of hindrances. Now my three children and I are on my own.

I decided to start college after having my children because I want to provide my children everything they need and everything they can dream of; just like all the other mothers.

My inspiration to return to school was my children. I just want to be able to provide for them the best I can. I think that by obtaining a degree I would surely have a better chance in securing a good and rewarding career. I ...
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