Scholarly Paper

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Scholarly Paper

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Data and information processes in a healthcare:3

Rationales for how databases are used:6

Issues of data security and/or data integrity issues managed by DBMS:8

Domain Integrity:8

Entity Integrity:9



Scholarly Paper


Within the medical field the knowledge base is complex, large and growing quickly. It comprises of the scientific knowledge in addition to the acquaintance with the everyday business of offering health care. Information scientists could not expect of understanding the complex need of medical users in a limited time period. In a similar way, the techniques of complex information science like systems that necessitate extensive training or scrupulous techniques of requirements analysis, could not be, and must not be, launched into the previously complicated environment of health care. With restricted resources and time for both the individual participants and the nation, it is vital for identifying the processes within the health care sector, which will most benefit from the information technology support.

This paper analyzes data and information processes used for the acquisition, storage, processing, and delivery of data and information to clients in a healthcare or healthcare-related environment. In addition to this, the paper addresses rationales for how databases are used or could be used in a clinical, educational, research, or administrative environment. Furthermore, the paper describes how some issues of data security and data integrity are managed through the use of DBMS (Data Base Management Systems) and discusses the issues that have been identified. Moreover, in the conclusion the paper expresses personal insights on the topics that are discussed within the paper.


The health care industry of the United States is currently at a decisive juncture. Whilst confronting a considerable amplification in the customer number who would require the services from the health care industry, the health care industry is presently being asked by the citizens of the United States for increasing the results' quality, for ensuring persistent quality amid urban and rural providers, for being responsible for the consequences, for providing precise success measures, and for accomplishing each of the above mentioned demands with lower costs (Lide & Spivack, 1999).

For the solution to these demands/problems, the Information Technology forms a significant component. Up-to-date and accurate information is necessary in all organizations for the continuous improvement in the quality, and specifically within a field as complicated as health care. Nonetheless, information systems need to improve instead of hampering the roles of health care providers. Moreover, diverse information systems need to be incorporated across the enterprise of health care (Lide & Spivack, 1999).

Data and information processes in a healthcare:

The ideas of ill health and its treatments, form earliest times, have been linked with those of the data interpretation and observation. Whether the management guidelines and the descriptions of diseases are considered in untimely Greek literature are considered, or the utilization of X-ray studies and complex laboratory by the modern physician are considered, it is apparent that data gathering and interpreting it for the meaning are fundamental to the process of health care. Any book on computers in health care would hence refer, repeatedly, to ...
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