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This paper discusses about the disorder 'schizophrenia'. Schizophrenia is an incredible example of mental muddle which is exemplified by crumbling of thought processes and emotional receptiveness. It can be straightforwardly acknowledged by auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre illusions, dislocated speech or thinking aptitude pursued by social or occupational dysfunction. The warning signs initiate untimely in the adulthood. The disease is recognized to affect about 1% of the human population with about 2 million patients from the United States unaided. Schizophrenia is also known as split personality disorder and it affects men extra recurrently in contrast to women. A number of aspects play decisive task in aggravating the symptoms of this disorder and these issues are genetic parameters, early environment, neurobiology, physiological and social processes. Some drugs also contribute a petite portion in making the condition of the patient poorer. this paper discusses different aspects of this order that include symptoms and preventions as well.



Schizophrenia is one of the most serious mental illnesses that cause a great disturbance in social relationships, family and work of people who suffer which usually begins in adolescence. I tend to evolve towards chronicity and for which there is no cure at present, only achieving a remission of symptoms with antipsychotic use.

Schizophrenia is characterized mainly by the presence of hallucinations, delusions, paranoia and confused thinking (Zahavi, 2001). There may be one or more symptoms, or symptoms may also occur in other syndromes characterized neurotic or personality disorders, so they are not yet clear boundaries that define a schizophrenic individual.


The cause of schizophrenia is not yet discovered. However, most experts agree that a number of factors combined with a genetic risk contributed to the development of the disease. It is thought that the risk of diabetes or heart problems exists in families; it is believed that the propensity to schizophrenia also has a genetic link. For example, if one identical twin has schizophrenia, the other twin is between 50 to 60 percent chance of contracting the disease (Frith, 1979), as well.

Some theories suggest that because schizophrenia usually appears first during the hormonal changes of puberty, these changes are causing the disease in those predisposed to it. Also, consider other external factors such as viral infections, high stress factors such as poverty or violence or other similar external factors as possible causes of the disorder.

Signs and Symptoms

The first signs of schizophrenia probably go unnoticed by family and friends. People with schizophrenia often exhibit one or more of the following symptoms during the early stages of the disease: prolonged feeling of tension, lack of sleep, poor concentration, social isolation and / or personality change (Behrendt & Young, 2004).

As the disease progresses, symptoms become more intense and strange. The people behave in a peculiar manner, and talk nonsense and have unusual perceptions. These symptoms are more serious reason for seeking treatment.


Delusions are unusual beliefs not based in reality. For example, people with schizophrenia may believe that someone can hear your thoughts or control their feelings, actions or ...
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