Methods of Data Collection in Qualitative Mono Method Strategy5
Types of Questions for Data collection6
Benefits of Nominal Data Collection7
Availability of Academic Sources for Contextualisation of the Project Work8
Gantt chart and Timeline of the Management Research Project9
Ethical Issues of the Management Research11
Scale Research Project in a Local Library
Purpose of Management Research Plan
To identify management practices of the local community library and recommend solutions for improvement; to achieve best management practices contributing to increase in off/online user traffic.
Research Methodology
The method decided for conducting a research project is the paradigm of prime importance that governs over all process of inquiry and outcomes of the project; thus it is important to identify and justify the research method used before that research is conducted because of the influence of the method on its outcomes.
Qualitative Research
It is the method of research that allows the researcher to address the objectives of business research through elaborative interpretive and insightful techniques to allow them discover the objectives of their studies without over dependence on numerical data and their measurements (Yeong, 2011)
The proposed method of research for this project is qualitative research method. It is deemed applicable for this project due to the following reasons
The research level is small scale
The primary objective of the research is to identify management practices of the library which does not dominantly deal with quantitative requirements for this specific research.
To provide solutions for best management practices in the library for an increase in user traffic of the library.
Justification for Methodology
The qualitative method of research can be justified for this research project because it addresses the objectives of the research. It does so by addressing the needs for a small scale research required to produce information on the management practices of the library. These management practices are not quantitative in nature and require the inquisitive, in depth methods of the qualitative research to produce the required information. It further also deals with the provision of solutions for better managerial practices that are likely to increase the flow of library usage in the local community by incorporating it's in depth analytical structures.
According to Yeong, 2011, the strengths of qualitative research are that they are useful for the conduct of in small scaled limited but in depth case studies based research. Which will allow the researcher to get specific limited but interpretive results which relate to the environment, condition and context of the research need, the small scaled qualitative research is usually able to explain the phenomenon better and provide contextual solutions for its improvement (Yeong, 2011). If this understanding is held true with respect to our purpose of the research for this local community library, it can be deemed precisely applicable for the requirement. Whereas if the strengths and purpose of Quantitative research method is observed than according to Yeong, 2011, the quantitative research is one based on numerical surveys and questionnaires which are easier as well ...