Saving The Manatees

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Saving the manatees

Saving the manatees

Mathematical model


55x1 + 75x2 + 65x3 + 80x4 + 85x5 + 100x6 + 35x7 + 45x8 + 55x9 + 50x10 + 60x11


x1 is number of half-page ad in daily news paper

x2 is number of full-page ad in daily news paper

x3 is number of half-page ad in Sunday news paper

x4 is number of full-page ad in Sunday news paper

x5 is number of TV ads during day time

x6 is number of TV ads during evening time

x7 is number of billboards used for campaign

x8 is number of 15-second ads run on radio

x9 is number of 30-second ads run ...
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