Santander Bank

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Marketing Research on Santander Bank

Marketing Research on Santander Bank

Statement of the Marketing Problem

To improve the image of the customer service provided by Santander Bank to its customers.

Organisation's Service that will be Researched

The bank has poor reputation in the market with regard to the customer service provided by it. The customers are frustrated with the service provided by the bank as it is not at all satisfying. They want the bank to make sure that the customer service is improved right away so that they can continue their banking with Santander Bank. According to many customers, they are thinking to change their bank only because of the poor service that they provide.

Justification Why This Information Is Useful and How It Will Assist In Marketing Decision Making

The complete information related to the customer service provided by the bank is very necessary as it will help it conducting proper research. It should be made sure that the information related to the service is available so that it is properly investigated and the real causes behind the flaws are identified so that they can be resolved properly. This information will be helpful in taking appropriate decisions for the marketing so that the service is improved. It is important to know what important decisions the company has taken for the improvement of the customer service. This will help the company, as well as, the customers in making sure that they retain long term banking relations.

With regard to this, the company has taken decision that the call centres should be brought back to the United Kingdom so that the quality of the customer service is improved. Initially, the call centres of the bank were spread in a few countries that included India. With the increasing market of information technology and outsourcing in India, the quality has dropped due to which the bank has suffered. The recession in the United Kingdom has made the call centre industry attractive and has opened more opportunities for it. In this manner, the bank has ensured that it brings back the call centre to its home country so that the quality is improved.

It will assist in market decision making in a manner as it will help the bank in improving the image and position of the bank in the industry. The bank will make sure that it takes decision on the basis of the research that is carried out. ...
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