San Antonio Independent School Dist. V. Rodriguez

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San Antonio Independent School Dist. v. Rodriguez

This case was basically initiated by the guardians of children who used to study in elementary as well as secondary schools. In totality there were 6 percent of children who were African American and 90 percent of Mexican American students. The plaintiff's initiated a class oriented action on behalf of the financially instable school children who belonged to poorer families with low property tax base. The premise of the case was that the local property tax is said to favor the financially stable entities and consequently resulting in violation of equal protection. The reason behind the discrimination was the fact that the property values were said to be higher in some districts and lower in the other hence there were disparities that arose midst the districts in per pupil spending. For instance, one district is capable of raising $26/pupil by utilizing a tax rate of 1.05 percent on the other hand the other district raised about $333 per pupil on the base of 85 percent tax rate (Ryan, pp. 432).

The court identified and analyzed the case and examined the finance structure and then rejected the claim. The system could not understand the rational as neither there is a suspect classified and nor is a fundamental interest at stake. Like the cases in the history where there were laws that were a source of discrimination for the poor and the poor suffered underneath it this case does not entail any poor suffering and still enjoys the benefit provided by the government. The current situation does not by any means breach the clause of equal protection either. Furthermore, the Appelles are unable to demonstrate that the currently implemented systems are working against the poor or are a source of disadvantage to them. The Appelles claim that ...
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