Same Sex Marriage

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Same Sex Marriage

What is marriage? This word has different meanings for different people. To some marriage means a commitment between two people in holy matrimony, or religious marriage. To others it is just a legal contract between two people, or civil marriage. In actuality there is only one definition for a marriage. According to Webster's Dictionary, a marriage is a state of living together as husband and wife joined in wedlock. Webster also identifies a husband as a man and a wife as a woman. Same sex marriages are morally and ethically wrong, and they are also impossible to occur (according to our modern language). Same sex marriages, even though inappropriate, can be solved without upsetting both sides of the scale.

Many same sex marriage supporters argue, 'Why does every legal and political issue always have to be complicated by making it a moral and ethical question?' If there were no morals or ethics in government, society as we know it could not exist. It is unthinkable how someone can make this point. If these people had some logic and thoughtfulness in their minds as well as in their hearts, they would not be making these ridiculous comments. Arguments of this type are the cause of crime and poverty in our country. People don't know the difference between right and wrong.

Children need a mother and a father to teach family values and the difference between right and wrong. The world would be a much better place if everyone had a parent or a teacher to show the them the proper path. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If more of society would put a priority on their children and their future, there could be fewer problems faced by the community as a whole. If no one takes into account morals and ethics into their decision making, these deplorable situations could lead to a catastrophe. If no one has any morals or ethics, this great nation would come to its decline. If no one has any morals or ethics, not even the world's most powerful military will be able stop the catastrophe. The argument against this point, raised by the supporters, is the question of divorced parents and single parents. According to religious philosophy, single parenting is also an improper system for rising children. If someone else is jumping of a bridge, then why shouldn't everyone else. One improper task does not give ...
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