Salvador Dali: Genius Or Cultural Thief

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Salvador Dali: Genius Or Cultural Thief


The Spanish writer and famous painter Salvador Dali was a surrealist movement member at one time. He was born in Figueres (Spain) and studied at Madrid School of Fine Art. Dali was not only a Catalan painter but also an illustrator, draughtsman, writer, sculptor and film maker. He was best known due to his flamboyant personality and fantastic imagery and was the most prolific artist of the 20th century.

In 1921 he entered the School of Fine Arts of San Fernando (Madrid), where he was expelled in 1926. At that time he lived at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid, where was related to Federico García Lorca, Luis Buñuel, Rafael Alberti, José Moreno Villa and other artists. In 1929, during his stay in Paris, he met Pablo Picasso and in 1930 he joined the Surrealist movement, which was later relegated for their business ideas. Production Dalí this period is based on its 'paranoiac-critical' method, inspired in large part on the theories of Freud: representation of dream images and everyday objects in compositional forms unsuspected and surprising, as the soft watches Persistent Memory (1931, Museum of Modern Art, MOMA, New York). Dalí moved to the United States in 1940, where he remained until 1948. Their latest works, often with religious content, have a more classic style, including include the Crucifixion (1954, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) and The Last dinner (1955, National Gallery, Washington) ..

Dali's painting technique is characterized by a meticulous drawing, an almost photographic thoroughness in the treatment of details, very bright with a colorful and bright. Surrealists Dalí made ??several films in collaboration with Buñuel as Un Chien Andalou (1929) and The Golden Age (1930), illustrated books, jewelry designs and theatrical sets and costumes. He also wrote autobiographical books such as The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí (1942) and Diary of a Genius (1965). He was a member of the French Academy of Fine Arts since 1979. Died on January 23, 1989 in Figueras. Salvador Dali artwork of paintings and sculptures are adorn and added glamour to museums, buildings and homes worldwide. He is not only considered one of the most prolific surrealist painter of the twentieth century but also one of the most influential artists of Spain along with Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Francisco Goya and Diego Velázquez.


Background Information

Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali y Domenech, in short, Salvador Dali was born at 08:45 on May 11, 1904 in the morning, in the small agricultural town of Figueres, Spain. Figueres is located sixteen miles away in the principality of Catalonia from the French border known as foothills of the Pyrenees. Dali was born from a family of a respected notary. His mother was a Roman Catholic, and his father was a Republican and atheist. In memory of his recent dead brother, he was given the name Salvador. This had a profound effect, with the projection of his own persona and his subsequent experimentation with identity may have developed himself for an early ...