Biological weapons are infectious agents, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, biochemical toxins, and bio-molecules that can cause extreme morbidity and mortality in plants, animals, and humans when they are intentionally disseminated to induce terror (bioterrorism) and/or related mass casualties under conditions of secular unrest or military campaigns. Biological agents can also be a threat for the environment. This is an important issue for global public health that should be considered in the new perspectives of a more ecological green world in which such environmental threats should be significantly reduced or eliminated. This paper presents descriptive analysis of three different bio-organisms. These include salmonella typhi, shigella sp, and vibrio cholera.
Salmonella is a one-celled, gram-negative, rod-shaped, microscopic bacteria family containing over 2,300 different strains (also called serotypes). US scientist Karl J. Eberth discovered the strains of Salmonella Typhi in 1880. Salmonella Typhi can live in the intestinal tracts of both humans and animals and can be transmitted through contact with feces and contracted through the consumption of tainted foods. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Salmonella has become the most frequently reported cause of food-borne illness since the early 1990s, with Salmonella enterica serotype typhi the most frequently reported U.S. strains1. Persons infected with Salmonella Typhi may develop moderate to severe cases of typhoid fever, with symptoms lasting from four to fifteen days on average.
Hierarchy Description
Hierarchy description of Salmonella Typhi bacteria is as follows.
Genus: Salmonella
Species: enterica
Subspecies: enterica
Serovar: typhi
Salmonella Typhi is an active pathogen that inhabits the spleen, liver, bloodstream of infected humans, and lympathic tissues of the small intestine. The infection caused by Salmonella enterica serovar typhi (Salmonella typhi) causes typhoid is a systemic disease with high acute mortality and morbidity, especially in developing countries. In Europe, infections with Salmonella Typhi occur in travelers to endemic areas. Annually, it affects the 16 million people; approximate 600,000 fatalities occur annually across the globe2. Salmonella Typhi can be transmitted by drinking water contaminated by urine or feces of infected animals and humans. There are different strains of Salmonella typhi, which include SC-B67, CT18, and Ty23.
Salmonella Typhi creates severe inflammation in the intestines and colon at the beginning of the command. Salmonella Typhi CerTest provides rapid detection of Salmonella Typhi directly in stool samples. Salmonella Typhi CerTest immune-chromatographic test is a one-step for the qualitative detection of Salmonella Typhi as a tool to screen for possible human salmonellosis.
Biochemically, Salmonella Typhi are different from other Salmonella variants. It ferments glucose without gas formation and slow release of hydrogen sulfide. Antigenic structure of Salmonella Typhi is characterized by somatic O (9, 12, Vi) - complex and the flagellar antigen H (d). Depending on the number and location of the Vi-antigen, Salmonella Typhi categorize under three types of cultures. 1) V-shape provides Vi-antigen, covering the O-complex colonies are not transparent and not agglutinated by O-serum; 2) W-form of Salmonella Typhi does not contain Vi-antigen, ...