Salesforce.Com: Creating A Blue Ocean In The B2b Space

Read Complete Research Material Creating a Blue Ocean in the B2B Space Creating a Blue Ocean in the B2B Space

Strategic Move of

The initial strategic move by took place in the early 2000s. The company attained an undisputed and sustained leadership in the market among the CRM on- demand market from over a decade. The successful strategy deployed by the company involved the soft ware that supports the enterprise solutions. For this reason, they compete with the vendors of the most successful and market leader enterprise resource planning soft ware such as the Sap, Oracle and People Soft along with the other various players in the market. The idea behind the strategy was to penetrate deeply in the market and attain a significant competitive position in the market. The unique strategic move and logic of helped it in removing the biggest blocks to the utility of the buyers. The platform used for the purpose involved the CRM (Customer relationship management) soft ware. They provided the flexible and comprehensive platform to the business users focusing on the B2B customers. They replaced the traditional soft ware for CRM (Customer relationship management). The replacement was required due to the costly and expensive acquisition of such old and out dated software for CRM (Customer relationship management). The basic needs of the business users were focused by The maintaining and hosting systems were developed at the middle level in order to share the costs and resources among the large number of business users of CRM (Customer relationship management) soft ware. was able to increase the cost - efficiency and economies of scale trough the new CRM (Customer relationship management) system and supported the individual business customers. The new system tends to have more benefits and is user friendly as compared to the traditional soft ...