Sales And Marketing

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Sales and Marketing - TESCO



Company Profile1

Tesco's Target Market3

Prospects of Tesco4

Tesco's Selling Techniques4

Planning for Sales Meeting6

After-Sales Service Techniques7

Skills in a Sales Person8



Sales and Marketing - TESCO


In marketing, selling pertains to be the most vital component. Selling can be defined as the exchange of something worthwhile for money and to persuade the other person for the desire of something (Williams, 2003, p.7). The companies must understand the consumer buying behaviour because it focuses on the consumer's decision regarding their spending (Kengthon, 2011, p.2). It is important to know the reaction of the customer on the company's marketing strategy. Selling is the thing which can either increase the firm's total revenue or vice versa. The activity of selling is not finished just after the product is sold, it is important to implement after-sales strategy as it can increase the customer's loyalty (Brock, 2009, p. 4).


Company Profile

Tesco is the world's third largest retailing company. Tesco is a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer. It is the leading company which is involved in innovations which are customer focused and driven by customer insights. Their first priority is to deliver the class-leading efficiency. Innovation is always important for Tesco. It is involved in diverse areas like books, electronics, food, clothing, furniture, software, financial services, internet services, DVDs and Music. In 1960's, it was the first company who develop the idea of shopping stores like Tesco Metro, catering the needs of local shoppers, Tesco Express, and convenience stores at the UK petrol stations. In 1990's, Tesco also provides the financial services by having a joint venture with the Royal Bank of Scotland. In 2000, Tesco starts focusing on providing the non-food sales services which also gave them a great success in becoming the largest CD retailer in UK (

The benefits of marketing approach are worthwhile which are enjoyed by Tesco such as increased customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. It also increases the company's sales, market share, and profitability. On the other hand, it enhances the competitive advantage which is difficult to copy by others, and it creates a positive corporate image in the eyes of customers. Tesco is well aware of the costs which it has to bear in investing in marketing approaches like the training of staff as per according to the upcoming needs and the requirement of advanced technology in order to fulfil the changing and complex growing customer needs.

Currently, Tesco has achieved the sales growth this Christmas as compared to last year. The main sales among all the units have been made from the food sales with a condition of seasonal offering. Tesco is operating its functions in 14 markets across Europe, Asia, and North America. Tesco is also providing its food services online which have made its business strong. Tesco has properly arranged its different range of products and categorize each in different formats like Tesco Extra, Tesco superstores, Tesco Metro, Tesco Express, One stop, Tesco Homeplus, and Dobbies. Tesco has captured the floor space in England for its ...
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